Peering closer at the man of the rooftop, Caractacus was surprised by his face, and his state of dress. The man looked like a clown, costume and all. It was almost comical were it not for the poisonous edge to the man's words. Caractacus once again found himself having to formulate unexpected answers for unexpected questions. It was very tiring. He supposed he could use something similar to his original plan. [color=dimgray]"Well, I'm-I'm here for a job. Like you.[/color] He looks at the slith. [color=dimgray]"And you, maybe, if you are here for that, that is. Maybe. S-so why not we all just go inside, and get food, and drink, and wait for the guy who's hiring? No tr-troubles. Heh."[/color] He tried another smile, this one seemed more genuine. Caractacus gestured at the doorway. By now it was only very early in the morning, someone was bound to be awake, and a witness, in there.