[quote=@Invader Len] [b]New bitch:[/b] If I kick somebody from an RP, and they bring in their friends/family to try and strong-arm me into letting that person back in, what the fuck do I do? I'm trying to stay polite and professional, but to be perfectly honest, I'm mad as hell. I feel like I'm being threatened by this person, who keeps cussing me out and treating me like I'm the worst person ever for kicking a player, who wasn't even following the rules about god-modding, for christ's sake. I feel like I was well within my rights for kicking them, my Co-Gm and other players agree, so why is this person putting up such a huge deal by bringing in other users to harass me? I've asked them to stop, but they just keep on messaging me and arguing with me? Is there a way to make them stop, like a block button I'm unaware of? Do I just ignore them until they go away? I'm really concerned that if I do that, they might come into my thread and start posting their hate and scare players away. I've never seen any reaction like this to a player getting kicked, even though I had a myriad of reasons to kick them, including god-modding, combat hogging, and sharing private messages with other players. Frankly, I'm pissed and baffled, and more confused than I've been since the teen titans reboot. Note: The person harassing me is a total stranger, has never been a part of any of my RP's, and now certainly never will be. [/quote] Warn them, say you will contact a mod if they continue to harass you. If they do, tell a mod. A mod can threaten them with a ban.