Their small movements made her flinch. Any raise of the hand could release a weapon; any step, another danger. She tilted her head slightly to the side, regarded the two unlikely 'adventurers'. They weren't the type of people she had expected to be interested in this work. Though still wary, she began to relax her almost painful grip on the hilt of the dagger, and partially flattened the scales back down. She knew no display of size or strength would be of use when dealing with the [i]clown[/i], at least. He seemed... too perceptive, too poisonous and dangerous a character. She didn't trust him; she doubted she ever would trust him. As for the other... "You seem weak, and a coward. Why would you wish to sign up for the job?" Kij turned her head to the first figure with little more than a subtle twitch of her head. The question was not meant to offend, the statement not said in a way that was meant to insult, but was instead the summary of her perceptions - whether they were accurate or not. She waited silently for the reply, oblivious. Though the clown troubled her, she ignored him for now, and the suggestions to go inside. She would see what the trickster did first before she made her move, reluctant to trap herself inside with potential enemies. They said they were here for a reason, but it was easy to say one thing and for the opposite to be true. No matter what happened, she had to stay alert, she had to be cautious.