[i]'Where. The hell. Did he go?'[/i] Irina's thoughts were now jammed in with the rest of the voices in her head as she tried asking herself the same question over and over again. The one called Nikolai had just vanished again, as if he never even existed. Just a figment of her imagination, probably a delusion from the voices. Stunned, Irina turned to Abel, whom now she somewhat confided in. She could feel a sort of vibe coming off from him, and going towards her. It felt like trust but on a very minimal level. She couldn't identify what the feeling really was though, or how she was able to feel such a thing. Her wide, green eyes made contact with his own and it was clear to see that he was just as confused as she was. Asking questions would have to come later, apparently, as Abel took off towards the cafeteria and Irina followed suit. She didn't want to be alone in such an establishment. There were others in the hall, some crying and completely freaked out. She could hear other cries as well but they were in her head. [i]'Screw them. There's not time to cry. I have to get home.[/i] As she slower to a stop next to Abel, Irina made an effort to push out the voices in her head. Too many. Too many. There were now more people clustered in one room which made a pulsing sensation in her head form, feeling more like someone had stabbed her through the temple. In a knee jerk reaction, Irina reached up and grabbed Abel's arm, squeezing it tightly as she shut her eyes and winced. "Everyone needs to shut up," she said through gritted teeth, her Spanish only adding to the anger and frustration in her tone of voice. It was becoming clear to her that she was just like everyone else here. These weren't just 'voices' that were inside of her head. They were they voices and feelings over everyone else around her. Not just one or two voices. Everyone's all at once. The girl finally opened her eyes and looked up as someone bellowed a loud introduction; as loud as the voices in her head. She turned back to Abel and pressed a finger up against her temple, "I can hear everyone. I can hear them talking and thinking. I can't take it." Her eyes went back to looking at everyone as they continued to speak, her stomach beginning to turn and threaten to throw up anything that it had inside due to the immense pain in her head. [@SheriffLlama]