[center][color=99ccff][h3]Edwina Fairfax[/h3][/color][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/5f94070814d5590df1879d9f662ab8e9/tumblr_mvhkwtuCy81qc542uo3_500.gif[/img] Location: Dock 32A by the helicopter Interacting With: Jackson [@FrozenEcstasy], Armando and Lisa [@AbandonedIntel][/center][hr][hr][b][color=A280FF]"Nice to meet you, Lucy. You're... Edwina, right? Yeah... I'll explain everything in a few. Feel free to intermingle with everyone."[/color][/b] one of the suits said, smiling warmly at her. Edwina's face dropped a bit. [color=99ccff]"It's... never mind,"[/color] Eddie sighed, wandering away from the suit. Pulling her headphones over her ear, Eddie was content to begin blasting rock music, when she spotted the ghost a bit more clearly. Or perhaps, half-ghost would have been a better term. He was going around, pretending to be Batman from the sound of it. Edwina grinned. [color=99ccff]"Jackson!!!!"[/color] she shouted, practically skipping over towards him. [color=99ccff]"Still dead, I see. Nice, nice."[/color] She would have hugged him, but she was fairly certain her arms would go right through him. Grinning at him, she was dying to catch up with him, only to have the two suits call everyone to attention. The girl--Lisa--gave a long and dramatic speech, detailing the struggles and history of the mysterious Powerbound Alliance. Eddie nodded, taking the information in, wondering once more whether this was the right thing for her to do. [color=A280FF][b]"So, how many of you will call yourselves proud members of the Powerbound Alliance?"[/b][/color] Lisa finished, a soft smirk on her face. Eddie paused for a moment. She thought over her priorities, her family, her little sister that may never see her again. She'd have to ask, to confirm, one last detail before diving in... [color=99ccff]"Is there Netflix there?"[/color] Edwina asked, entirely serious. [color=99ccff]"That might be a deal breaker for me..."[/color] But of course, even if they told her no, she would likely to decide to go anyways. She had been saved years ago from the clutches of evil--it was her turn to give back now. The irony--a superhero named Lucifer--never failed to escape her. She hadn't chosen the name, but it stuck. It marked her. And now, it was time to defy fate and law and all of the forces that tried to make the world crappy. Yet even Edwina couldn't deny that she'd be rather disappointed to miss out on seeing Sherlock season 4 when it premiered.