[@rocketrobie2] I figured as much, no big deal :3 how would he have responded anywho? [@Natsucooldude] Ok look. I merely asked because there was no reason to keep dragging it out. I was merely putting out ideas on what could be done to stop it. So to answer your question: I hate it when people are arguing, especially when one is so vehemently attacking the other without listening and trying to accept what they are saying. To me it seemed like you were continuously trying to find some way to keep the argument going. Take it as you will but that's how I saw it. I was never telling you to leave or saying you were a quitter, merely that if it was such an issue then why stay. That leads back to the "looking for a fight" thing I spoke of. Anywho, I'm done on that part otherwise I'll just keep rambling my mind.