[i]Holy Moses where does this guy live, Mount Everest?[/i] She thought as she urged her jeep up the steep, winding driveway. "Oh wow," she gasped when they finally arrived. It was amazing. The mansion was almost like something out of a fairy tale. [i]Prince charming.[/i] She laughed out loud at herself. He may be gorgeous, inhumanly sexy, and have a killer smile; but he doesn't quite fit that prince charming characteristic. She rolled her eyes when he mentioned mermaid savior. Really cheesy. Her eyes met his and they danced with defiance. She wanted to make some snarky remark, but her words died before they reached her limps. His smile was breathtaking. He had said something. Come on Jo stop staring. BREATH! what did he say? He needed her help with something else? "What else you you possibly-" She never finished her question. He snapped his fingers and suddenly they were inside on the couch. Both were dry and he was grinning this Cheshire Cat grin. “Tell me goldfish, what do you know about gods?” She jolted to her feet, her head a whirlwind of thoughts. "What THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!" She nearly shouted at him and ran her hands through her messy hair. She took a deep breath. "Not much I guess since there are no such thing." She retorted and sank back onto the couch beside him. Her brain was swimming. [i]Okay, say this was actually happening. It would be pretty epic. Could he be a god of some sort?[/i] His strong hands traced light lines up her arms and neck and into her hair. HOLY HELL. She felt wave after wave of desire wash over her. [i]Kiss me,[/i] she thought urgently and closed her eyes, leaning into his hand. WAIT. Reality pushed its way to the surface and broke her trance. [i]Who the heck was this guy. I'm not letting some complete stranger do this to me![/i] She pulled away from his touch and leaned back, nearly falling off the couch because she was so out of sorts. "WHO the HELL are you?" She asked accusingly. "Do you really think I'm letting some complete stranger in my pants when I just met you an hour ago? I didn't even do that in college! You have got to be joking! What do you think I am?" She stood up defiantly and crossed her arms across her chest. Anger and desire danced in her eyes.