[b]URIEL ATTICUS - LOCATION: CAFETERIA[/b] Man, tough crowd. Of course, a hearty response wasn’t the foremost of his expectations, considering the circumstances. At least he was sure that this little gathering of adolescents weren’t his kidnappers. If they were, they would have pounced on him the moment he made his entrance. He surveyed the room with a relaxed smile, but never once released his grip on the mirror shard in his pocket. Hmm, might as well get some grub while he was here. After all, it would be difficult to confront his captors on an empty stomach! Uriel got himself a generous amount of snacks, stuffed some into his pockets for safekeeping, some others in a growing pile in his arms. He favoured the sweet stuff. The sugar high would be appreciated as the sluggishness in his body wasn’t completely gone yet. He also grabbed himself a Coke to seal the deal. It didn’t come in a glass bottle though. Bummer. The extra weapon would have been nice. After successfully plundering the vending machines, he turned to scope out the cafeteria’s inhabitants. Huh. All of them were teenagers. And all of them seemed to have varying levels of tenseness. Were they taken too? There was a dark haired boy and girl but the girl seemed awfully stressed. Best to avoid those two then. He didn’t want to make things any worse for her. So the other option was… those two! Sitting at one of the tables, another boy and girl, both with incredibly pale hair. Time to make some new friends! He plopped his pile of snacks on their table and flashed them both the most dazzling and friendly smile he could muster. He spoke while twisting open his bottle of Coke and sitting down. [color=00aeef]“Heya! Name’s Uriel! Flashy name, I know. So uh, would you guys happen to know what the dealio with this place is? I mean, were you kidnapped too?”[/color] [@sakurasan] [@Jinxer]