I hope this is OK. Please let me know if I've misunderstood or overlooked anything or if there's anything you want me to change. :) [hider=Samantha Whittaker] [b]Appearance:[/b] Sam stands at an fairly average 5'5", Her body is slim but muscular, with wiry muscles visible beneath her café-latté skin. Her slender frame creates an illusion of smallness about her, but she is not by any means weak. Her complexion has a washed-out, almost sickly-pale tone to it, from a decade of sun deprivation. Both of Sam's ears are pierced, several times on both sides, and she has a small nose ring too. Day to day, she wears a once-white, durable tank top and rugged, comfortably loose jeans. She occasionally wears an oversized khaki military style jacket but doesn't like the bulky, restrictive nature of outerwear. Her black, steel-toed worker's boots are older than she is, but in surprisingly good shape. [hider= Face. Warning: Massive pic. Must resize...later][img]https://s31.postimg.org/836cjcdmz/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Samantha "Sam" Whittaker [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Origins:[/b] New York. [b]Personality:[/b] Sam is by most people's definition a very hardened person. By GYNC standards though, though, she's sweet, kind, trusting and trustworthy; some might even go as far as to call her naive, but they would be mistaken. Though she is often generous, helpful and accommodating to those around her, she takes care of herself and her family foremost. She has an intelligence and an inquisitiveness to her that others find intriguing, if not a little strange, and she loves figuring out how things work. She will often squirrel herself away for hours taking apart and rebuilding some piece of tech or other that she's swiped while unattended. Her 'toys' will [i]usually[/i] end up back where she found them in good working order, sometimes with parts missing, sometimes with parts they didn't have before. In a stitch, she prefers to puzzle her way out than depend on her strength, but her lightness and agility usually get her through if she has few options. Still, she's lost her fair share of fights. The beatings she has taken have only served to fuel her fierceness and teach her how not to lose. [b]Likes:[/b] [list][*]Puzzles, mystery, fixing things [*]Sweet foods, junk food when she can get it [*]Exploring the underground, running and climbing [*]Reading, when she can get her hands on good books [*]Learning long words [*]Alcohol [*]Her sisters [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b][list] [*]Ration food. Even after all these years, it tastes like salty dirt to her. Often she'll avoid it, but hunger soon takes control. [*]Anyone she decides poses a threat to her or her family. [*]Thieves [*]People with few interests [*]Sometimes she fears that she will never be more than she is right now. She is afraid that her duty to her family will stop her from achieving her dreams. She hates herself for even thinking of them that way. [/list] [b]Background:[/b] Before the apocalypse, Sam, her sister Lily (2 years younger) and their mother lived on the streets, moving from squat to doorway to squat again. Their mother had a history of undiagnosed mental illness, and one facet of this was that she suffered paranoid delusions. Thus the family never stayed in one place long, never had an official address, never stayed in a hostel or shelter, or anywhere "they" could find them. Sam and her little sister never really got a chance at any kind of formal education, even before the world ended. As Sam's mother's mental health continued to deteriorate, Sam began to become the crutch of the family, and even at her drastically young age was caring for both her infant sister and her mother. At some point between four and six months before the apocalypse, Sam's mother fell pregnant again. When the reborn began to return to New York, the pregnant woman and her ragged little family were among the first to take up residence in the safety of the underground stations. Of course, they weren't really 'safe', just safe from Sam's mother's imagined persecuters. The kinds of threats they were likely to find down there weren't all that different from those they'd faced living in squats, and they'd survived that... For the last 10 years, the red line has been home to Sam, her sisters and her mother. The family is well settled into the red line community, and people know who Sam and her sisters are. Knowing that their mother is incapable of providing for them, others have occasionally taken pity and many view Sam in a daughterly way, or as their own little sister. Little more has affected them, besides the odd thief and underground brawl, and after spending a decade of her youth 'getting by' Sam has had to create her own passions to avoid losing her mind. It's for this reason that boring people infuriate her. On a more-than-occasional basis, Sam likes to drink to relax. She figures that as long as it doesn't get in the way of taking care of her family or doing her job, it can't really do much harm, and at any rate, Lily's old enough to take over when Sam feels like she deserves a break. It's her one real vice, but not like she's the only one around here who does it. Sam loves mystery, adventure, and figuring things out. Thus, her great dream is to join the Rail Sentinels and explore the hallowed Ghost Line. It's a bit of a pipe dream for her, because although she knows she's smart enough to make it a reality and even be an asset to the Sentinels, she doesn't think she has what it takes physically. She's never even shot a gun before...and besides, she has a family to look out for. [b]Profession:[/b] Small time mechanic/engineering. Odd jobs for food, cash and medical supplies for her family. [b]Equipment/weaponry:[/b] Sam wears a makeshift toolbelt complete with a small array of medium sized tools; a dense adjustable wrench, two or three different sized screwdrivers, a boxcutter-type blade, and so on. They may look like they're their for practicality, but she knows how to use them in a fight - she's done it before. Though she doesn't have access to a gun, she's pretty proficient when it comes to sneaking up and putting a boxcutter to a person's throat. [b]Other:[/b] Skills include: Cooking; Engineering, fixing and upgrading small to medium-large appliances, from lights and radios to small generators; moderate first aid and medical skills; some small non-ranged weapons skills, although with no training her methods are a little more than unrefined. [/hider]