[center] [color=steelblue] [h2] Abel "Abe" Parker [/h2] [/color] [/center] As he looked across the cafeteria, he saw that some of the others had decided to gather into a somewhat organized fashion. He was about to go enter the room, but he heard Irina shout, and she gripped his arm as if it were as stress ball. He didn't recoil to her iron grasp, but rather turned to her in genuine concern. [color=steelblue]"Are you alright?"[/color] He asked. When she explained the voices, he raised an eyebrow. Maybe she was something like him. [color=steelblue]"Come on, lets find somewhere more quiet."[/color] He said, then turned to Nikolai. He relayed the information, leaving the decision to follow up to the Russian, and then turned and lead Irina down the hallway. A minute later, he found an open doorway that stepped inside. The couches and the bar inside the room made it look like a fancy lounge. He stepped away from Irina, moving to the middle of the couches, careful not to ram his shins against the coffee table. He saw a small screen on the wall a few feet away, but couldn't make out the words. [color=steelblue]"Fancy Bedrooms, a cafeteria, a furnished lounge? Where the frick-" [/color]He stopped as a numbers reappeared in his visions, but then flashed and turned into words. The message read, "Led Zeppelin - 'Black Dog'." Then the pain shot through his head and he fell down, slamming his fist in agony against the table. On the screen, unbeknownst to Abel, [url=https://s2.yimg.com/sl/4127/4972780732_fe7ef17eca_z.jpg]an image popped up[/url], under which was the same message. From somewhere in the room, speakers began [url=https://youtu.be/F0YoKzsjE-0]playing a hard rock song[/url]. Abel let out a pained shout as another song began played, sending another flash of 1's and 0's across his vision that translated into, "Skrillex - 'Bangarang'." As Abel's pain grew, he fell to the floor, covering his ears as a loud ringing shattered his ear drums. Unfortunately for him, he was the only one that could hear it. As he cried out again in pain, the screen began flashed random songs and album covers, each one sending another set of numbers across his vision that translated into a title. A few seconds later, Abel forced himself from the floor, stumbling to the wall where the screen was. With all of his force, he slammed his right fist into the screen, shattering it with into thousands of cracks. The music stopped and so did his pain. He sighed, leaning his head against the white wall, his bangs falling into his face. He pulled his fist away, a couple shards of the screen falling against his bare chest. He moved from the wall and sat on the nearest couch, breathing heavily. Then a thought crossed his mind, and he put his hands on his head as his eyes bore a look of understanding. [color=steelblue]"It's all binary..."[/color]. He muttered aloud. [color=steelblue]"All of it's binary..."[/color] [@Wolverbells] [@Hellhoundwoof]