[h2][center][u]Nikolai Arkaden[/u][/center][/h2] Nikolai looked across the cafeteria at the other entrance and spotted Abel and Irina. Irina seemed to be having some kind of meltdown, perhaps the gravity of the situation was finally panicking her. She pointed a finger at her temple and said something to able. Nikolai didnt know the other people's name so the two who he did received some small compassion from him. He looked around the cafeteria as he began walking across. There had been some guy shouting which made Nikolai annoyed, he wanted to knock the guy around for being so damn casual at a time like this. Nikolai passed others in the cafeteria, he knew he was the only out of the ordinary one here as far as looks went. Between his leather vest and several tattoos he knew he stood out. It would have put a smile on his face if he werent in this current situation. With speed walked back to his temporary friends, he looked down at Irina. "What is wrong?" Nikolai asked with some small semblance of concern, he pushed the thought of his mind "What can you two do?"