[center][h1]||[color=82ca9d]Felix Leverett[/color]||[/h1][hr][@aeuternus][hr][/center] The girl was striking, to say the least. Her hair was an ebony waterfall of soft, dark locks; her cerulean eyes seemed to reach into Felix's own soul, taking his heart and tickling it senseless. For a moment, Felix resisted the urge to bend down and kiss her land. After all, such a way was customary in greeting a fair maiden. But that'd probably look weird and overdramatic, so he stuck with a simple handshake and smile. [color=82ca9d]"I don't mind at all,"[/color] he said with a light laugh. [color=82ca9d]"Quite frankly, I'm not too fond of heights myself."[/color] He set his suitcase on the bottom bunk, careful not to jostle it too much. What lay inside was much too precious for such brutish actions. [color=82ca9d]"Some help would be much appreciated, thank you."[/color] He opened his bag, gently lifting a medium-sized wooden box from its innards. Unlike the rest of Felix's belongings, it seemed decades ancient, with minute cracks weaving its walk through the oak and the semblance of tarnish on its silver hinges. While not quite heavy, it was definitely large enough to have displaced most of his clothes from his bag, leaving Felix with half of the necessary clothing needed. Alas, such sacrifices had to be made in the short run. Besides, he could always purchase extras. Maybe he could even ask his roommate to come along. Wouldn't that be a fun little bonding trip? He nestled the box in the upper drawer of one of the dressers before turning to his roommate. [color=82ca9d]"I'm a junior,"[/color] he announced proudly. [color=82ca9d]"Although this is my first year here. The years prior, I was at--"[/color] Felix paused for a moment, his smile wavering like mirage, [color=82ca9d]"...At an unpleasant boarding school,"[/color] he finished simply with a seeming tautness to his grin. He couldn't bring himself to share such an unpleasant history with his newfound friend. Even the name itself reopened scars of taunts and name-calling. He shook away the memories. [color=82ca9d]"But that doesn't matter now, eh?"[/color] Felix laughed and began to sort out his clothes. [color=82ca9d]"What about you, Miss?" [/color]