[@sakurasan][@banjoanjo] [centre][color=6ecff6][h1]Arthur Ragnarson[/h1][/color] [h3]Location: Cafeteria[/h3][/centre] The entrance of other people to the room startled the girl Arthur had been talking to and she leaped from her chair, disappearing. He blinked a couple of times, trying to keep up with the pace of events. Did she disappear like the other bloke? His question was answered when she returned, phasing back in to the visible plane. [i]Chameleon?[/i] It was weird, analysing this situation so calmly. For Arthur it was like working out people's abilities was just second nature to him but he suspected that this calmness was probably merely the crust on a deep chasm of despair and fear and so he chose not to probe in case he broke that thin crust. Now was hardly the time to have a breakdown, especially if he was going to have to work together with those around him; no one would rely him to operate under pressure if it came to it. [color=#CB99C9]"Ah. Umm ye-yeah. I do have powers.. S-sorry about that."[/color] The girl had spoken, although it hardly needed pointing out at that stage. Arthur smiled, as if it were the most understandable thing in the world. [color=6ecff6]"Not to worry! I think we're all on edge a little bit, in here. Although that's not surprising, really. All things considered."[/color] [i]Yeah, you're the weird one for being so calm. You were kidnapped![/i] When the girl mentioned Charterhouse he was dragged from his reverie, looking back up sharply. For some reason hearing that someone here was from a similar place gave him hope, although he acknowledged the illogicality of that. [color=6ecff6]"Charterhouse? That's not far from Eton. It's near Guildford, isn't it? I wonder if there's a connection, why we were both brought here. I mean, I don't have any powers that I know of. I heal quickly but nothing... special."[/color] Was that it then? Had they decided his ability to recover rapidly, or at least faster than others, was sufficient reason to bring him here? Powers seemed to be the likely cause for this unusual event but up until then Arthur hadn't really thought he possessed one. [color=00aeef]“Heya! Name’s Uriel! Flashy name, I know. So uh, would you guys happen to know what the dealio with this place is? I mean, were you kidnapped too?”[/color] The loud one had joined them, dropping his various snacks on the table and taking a seat. He didn't seem malignant, just maybe unaware of their situation or, like Arthur, trying not to acknowledge it. Trying to see the best in people was one of Arthur's good traits, as he considered it, so he smiled at the newcomer in an attempt to welcome him to the small table. [color=6ecff6]"My name's Arthur. I don't know what's going on here but yes, I was kidnapped. It seems like we all were. I was at the college library and then... someone grabbed me and I think they gave me a dose of something. Then I woke up here. So far I haven't seen anyone except others like us. Oh, and this is..."[/color] He was about to introduce the girl but then realised he didn't Want to reveal her name without her permission. Under the circumstances he could understand not wanting to give out too much information about oneself. He changed the topic, to rectify his small mistake, and spoke to Uriel. [color=6ecff6]"It seems most people in here have powers, if not everyone. I didn't think I had one but... maybe it's possible. Are you empowered as well?"[/color]