[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjA4MDhjOS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3LC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A [hider=Interacting With:] [b][color=A280FF]Lisa//Captain Kinesis[/color][/b] - [@AbandonedIntel], [color=blue][b]Aja Wilkins[/b][/color] - [@Endrance], [b][color=0072bc]Jennifer[/color][/b] - [@Framing A Moose], [b][color=ed145b]Spencer[/color][/b] - [@Heathen] [/hider][/center] [hr] Mercury’s head began swimming with how many people were coming out of the woodwork now. [color=0E32CF][b]”Well… I wanted friends. Now I think I got em. But, holy fuck there are a lot of them. I honestly didn’t think I wouldn’t not like having so many new friends… But, I’m getting a little scared.”[/b][/color] He walked away from Alexandra removing his mask revealing the empty bone chilling black void that consumed the entirety of the hood. He then began looking at his masks debating on which one to put on at the moment. [color=0E32CF][b]”hmm, daily, or Warlord… Damn it’s so confusing sometimes… Could also go with Magi, and do some magic tricks.”[/b][/color] He lifted his head at the scent of pizza then turned his head towards it facing Jennifer. He missed most of her introduction something about the pizza’s representing the layers of something or other. Then her name was it Jenah or Jennifer? He wasn’t entirely sure so just pointed at her, tilting his head slightly. [color=0E32CF][b]”You with the pizza! I love your entrance you gorgeous woman you. Thanks for bringing the pizza, I’ll take a slice of pepperoni and garlic.”[/b][/color] Then turned the finger into a strong thumbs up. He was watching all the people talking amongst each other. He supposed it was still normal for people to ignore his existence. After all why would things just suddenly change like that? No, his fate was to be alone a fate he obviously denied. Proof of that was the fact he was even here trying so hard to introduce himself to so many people. When suddenly some dude just appeared in front of him Mercury clumsily got into panicked karate stance almost dropping his two masks. [color=ed145b]"Spencer Davenport from Shreveport, Louisiana. Nice to meet you,"[/color] at those words and the hand offered Mercury calmed. [color=0E32CF][b]”Hello Spencer my name is Mercury. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”[/b][/color] After shaking Spencer’s hand he went back to mulling over his masks. While slowly moving a towards Lisa as he was feeling a bit crowded. He didn’t like it if people tried touching them. He looked over Edwina as she said, [color=#99ccff]"So, who wants to be my best friend?"[/color] He shot his free hand straight up while not looking away. Still trying to figure out which mask to put on. Finally he settled on his daily, and put his sly on his hip fidgeting with it for a bit before it was secure. He faced Lisa next his eyes flashed, and his white eyes focused in on her. Mercury listened intently to Lisa's spiel about the Alliance taking in all the information. Wanting to know, and understand the full reason of why he was here. At the end he found one of the answers he'd been craving since he'd arrived. [color=0E32CF][b]”Lisa, Martinez? The one that sent the letters? That letter… That was you?”[/b][/color] He slowly approached Lisa in slow stalking steps, and soon wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug holding her close. [color=0E32CF][b]”You are the reason I came, and boy are you cuter than I thought you’d be. Wowee I sure hit the lotto for friends that’s for sure!”[/b][/color] He then pulled away from the hug, and held Lisa’s shoulders. A huge smile spreading on his face the line opened in his glee. Then looked at the others once more. [color=0E32CF][b]”Sorry… I just am really excited to finally meet you. I traveled all this way for you, to meet you.”[/b][/color] He cleared his throat, and his smile faded slightly. Soon he let go, and just stood next to her rolling back and forth to his heels to his toes in excitement. Soon his full attention was dragged to a strange a presence that was calling to him. He turned towards Aja, who was this woman? Why did her mere presence call to him so? This wonderful yet terrifying creature intrigued him to no end. As a being born of shadow an umbrella user like Aja attracted him like a magnet. But, the feelngs quickly turned sour. This woman he quickly felt, and believed was a threat to him. He forcefully pointed at Aja his voice becoming darker more demanding than before, [color=0E32CF][b]”You! What is your name.”[/b][/color] The lines of his mask were fixed into an expression of raw anger.