[b]URIEL ATTICUS - LOCATION: CAFETERIA[/b] Everyone here was kidnapped? All these teenagers? Uriel ignored the panic rising in him. He shoved it back into the furthest corner of his mind. It had no business here. He couldn’t let it drag him down. But still, he couldn’t stop his heartbeat from racing, couldn’t prevent his fingers from clasping the mirror shard even tighter than before. [color=00aeef][i]Not now,[/i][/color] he thought to himself like a mantra, [color=00aeef][i]Calm the hell down. Nothing will get done if you break down like a wimp. Don’t let it go now.[/i][/color] [color=00aeef]“Aw jeez, all of us got kidnapped? That’s a serious bummer, bro!”[/color] Just who on Earth were they dealing with here? They were able to drug and capture so many people. And what the hell was this facility? Uriel hadn’t explored much but he felt that it was much larger than the hallway and cafeteria he had been in. Human traffickers? Aliens? Evil scientists? He almost wished that it were just the standard organised crime members seeking a ransom. At least with a Mafia kidnapping he would have had an idea of what was going on. [color=00aeef][i]Seriously, stop freaking out. Find a distraction or something.[/i][/color] Uriel took extra care this time pushing away and ignoring the little part of his head that was telling him to curl up and cry. He’d done so well when he woke up in that unfamiliar room, why stop now? [color=00aeef][i]It’s a great day. It’s a great day! I have all the snacks I want and I’m making new friends. A friend with a British accent of all things! Everything’s fiiine.[/i][/color] He needed a distraction. He downed half the Coke in one go and ferociously tore open a pack of gummy bears while listening to Arthur. Arthur himself seemed pretty chill. Uriel could appreciate a guy like that. The girl at their table was blushing like mad. She seemed nervous. There was plenty of reason to be. [color=00aeef][i]Deep breaths, pal.[/i][/color] In his mini-internal-freakout, his senses seemed to snap. He was feeling something weird, something that wasn’t from within him. Sensations that weren’t his own. Headaches. Sluggishness. But they were separate from his conditions. It was like the slight shiver on your skin when a draft breezes through the room. And these particular drafts were coming from his two new companions. He glanced around the table. He chose to concentrate on the girl first. Headache. No other sensation. Arthur next. Headache. Sluggishness in the body. Slight pain on neck. Uriel snuck a look. The Brit had a slight bruise on his neck, much like Uriel’s. Yikes, what had his kidnappers dosed him with? Uriel chowed down on more gummy bears and washed them down with the remainder of his soft drink. Maybe the sugar would clear his head. [color=6ecff6]"It seems most people in here have powers, if not everyone. I didn't think I had one but... maybe it's possible. Are you empowered as well?"[/color] Now that was a distraction. [color=00aeef]“Uh, like Superman powers? I’m not gonna start shooting lasers out of my eyes or anything am I?”[/color] Uriel joked lamely. It was getting harder and harder to keep his smile up. He just wanted to leave already. Just forget all of this already. Those drugs messed him up real bad. Anxiety shook his core and he struggled to keep it in. He felt something bleed out of him, yet another sensation that he couldn’t understand. It radiated outwards to Arthur and the girl. [color=00aeef][i]Just keep smiling, goddammit.[/i][/color] [@Jinxer] [@sakurasan]