A loud, fuzzy static echoed around the school grounds. Students ceased their chatter and watched as the gates shut, and the last of the cars that were parked were now driving away. The loud buzz turned into a crackle that could be heard at every corner of the campus, both indoors and out. "[color=6ecff6]Ahem -- Testing, testing.[/color]" A voice rang out, giving way to a cough. It was clear that the person who spoke was old in age, and their voice had a certain refined quality. Obviously they were a person of great importance. "[color=6ecff6]All students please make your way to the assembly hall immediately. Tardiness will be punished.[/color]" They spluttered out, coughing multiple more times between words. "[color=6ecff6]That will be all.[/color]" The speakers around the campus emitted some more crackling and static, before stopping completely. The sound of room doors being opened could be heard throughout the dormitory as students started making their way to the appointed place. A few of the eager students outside were excitedly entering the grand building, looking at the signs that pointed out the way to the hall. The ones that were unwilling tried their luck on skipping out and staying outside, only to be ushered indoors by security. The assembly hall itself was a moderately sized room. At the back, rows of dark-purple cushioned bleachers spread throughout the entirety of the width. A few students were already taking their seats on them, looking towards the front. A large stage area was taking up a lot of the remaining space at the front, with stairs at both sides. In the center of the stage was a single podium, and behind that, black curtains shielded whatever was there. Once all the students were seated, the lighting dimmed at the back of the room, giving the front a bright appearance. The curtains got pulled back to reveal an elderly man. His long, grey hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and his long beard was surprisingly well trimmed. He donned a smart suit, complete with dress shoes and glasses. He gave a small cough before approaching the podium, giving the small microphone a light tap to make sure it worked. "[color=6ecff6]Welcome to a new school year.[/color]" The man started, surveying the entire room and clasping his hands behind his back. "[color=6ecff6]To kick off this new adventure, I would like for a few of our new and old faces to introduce themselves. Any volunteers may come up to the podium.[/color]" [hr] [hr] [h2][center].:[color=f49ac2]Cesela Woodlocke[/color]:.[/center][/h2] [sub][center][@Fubsy][/center][/sub] Curiousity piqued as the younger boy answered her question. Perhaps they had more in common than she had initially thought. She chose not to butt in and instead let him continue talking. A slight sadness seemed to hint in his tone as he mentioned his previous education, but it was quickly shook off. She moved towards the wardrobe, prying it open. It took a little effort, probably because it went unused, but she got it open. A few coathangers had been left inside. She plucked them off the rail quickly and moved to place them on the bed, next to her roommates suitcase. "[color=f49ac2]You can use the hangers, your clothes are probably smarter than mine.[/color]" She observed, comparing his clothing to her own scrunched up, wrinkled PJ shirts. A part of her wanted to ask about the wooden box he'd put away carefully, but another part of her thought it would be best to ignore it. "[color=f49ac2]You don't need to call me Miss, just Cesela is fine.[/color]" She laughed slightly, "[color=f49ac2]I'm a Junior myself, perhaps we'll have classes together. It's my first year here, so it'd be nice if we did. A room full of unfamiliar faces is unnerving.[/color]" When the speakers crackled to life, the sudden noise made her jump slightly. It was quite loud, and she was never fond of loud noises, but to show weakness would be a bad idea. Much to Ceselas joy, the announcement didn't last too long. "[color=f49ac2]I guess we'll have to unpack later.[/color]" She mused, opening the door and heading out without so much as a 'See you down there'. It may have been a bit abrupt, but she didn't want to get pushed and shoved in a crowd rush. The walk across the courtyard was quick and painless, though she did have to mumble a few 'Watch it's at a few people who stepped on the back of her shoes. The ground floor of the main school building was enough to get a small 'woah' out of the girl as she followed the masses in the general direction of the hall. It was cramped and narrow, but pretty as heck. The chandeliers hanging from the cieling gave an elegant feel to the halls, and as she walked, she noticed a few doors labelled with room numbers. Presumably those would be classrooms. Towards the end of the hall, the floor sloped down, almost making Cesela lose her footing as she wasn't paying attention. The walls widened out, and there were two oaken doors, held open by who she assumed to be members of the staff. It was nice to finally have breathing room. Looking around, a lot of people were sat with their friends, spread out on the many bleachers. Pondering for a moment, she made her way over and up the stairs, taking a seat at the very back, on one of the empty rows. A few people sat on the same row, but not many. With so few students and so much space, it was inevitable that they would be spread out. The man at the front of the room - who she assumed to be the principal - spoke a few words. It was almost an exact replica of what she had heard at her old school. They'd say a sentence or two, and ask a few people to go up and say hi and talk about themselves. It was rather pointless in her opinion. As the elderly man stepped back, she found herself looking around the room, wondering who would go first. She had done it at her old school and she certainly wasn't going to do it again.