[center][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/B7P-0ZNewSk/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [b]Consul Kaeso Priscian of the Juno Protectorate[/b][/center] [hider=Nation Sheet] Name of Nation: Juno Protectorate Banner/Flag: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/b6/32/33b63262125ebd213401a91092ff525f.jpg[/img] Type of Government: Oligarchy (Manufactured Democracy) Leader(s): Kaeso Priscian Persons of Importance: Senator Appius Aratus, Admiral Gnaeus Viator Species(s) and Demographics: Predominantly human. Religion Description and Demographics: A denomination of the imperial religion known as Junoism, where the Goddess Juno (war and beauty), is the central object of worship. Culture: Junoists have a strong pride in their military and democracy. The society itself can be described as vain, as most tend to strive for superficial beauty, resulting in a booming cosmetics industry. Fashion and decadence reign supreme within the Juno cities, the affluent obsessed with obtaining status symbols to demonstrate their high standing. A large underclass of poor and slaves labour to keep the cogs of the industrialized society going. History: Juno was colonized by the Solar Confederation early in the 26th century, and terraformed into a picturesque garden world in the 28th century, as the Imperium began it's rise to power. A violent revolt by Imperium supporters overthrew the Confederate government during the war and Juno quickly became an industrial and trade hub of the Terran Imperium. The twelve moons of Juno were soon settled and the leadership of Juno became an influential voice in the Imperium Senate. In the 40th century, Juno began it's decline. Mineral depletion on it's moons, and the fracking rift on Capria (Juno III), resulted in a steep decline of the Juno economy. More prosperous colonies in the Imperium gained influence over Juno within the senate, and the planet became a shadow of it's former self. As the Imperium collapse, Juno collapsed into civil war, multiple faction vying for dominance over the decaying colony. After a century of fighting, dissidents surrendered, and pro-Imperium forces claimed victory. Rebels were exiled to the dying moon of Caprica, and out of the ashes of the war, the former Imperium leadership of Juno declared themselves the Juno Protectorate, breaking their ties with Earth. Since their independence the Protectorate has struggled to obtain their former glory. More aggressive mining operations have begun across the moons, as well as an effort to reclaim Caprica. Neighbouring star systems are coveted for their resource potential and the ego of the Protectorate's consul pines for a new Imperium with Juno at it's core. Military: WIP [/hider] [center]Kaeso Priscian is the established consul of Juno, having lead the planet for two and a half centuries, since before the fall of the Imperium. A man ruled by his own vanity, he believes himself to be the brightest, most beautiful person in the galaxy, and looks down on those he deems his lessers. Nevertheless, in a superficial society such as can be found on Juno, Priscian is a charismatic figure and his rule is nearly unquestioned. Priscian yearns for a return of the Imperium, but one created by his hand, with himself being the center of power as it's emperor. Claiming an obscure lineage to the royal family, Priscian maintains he is the rightful successor to the now fractured and broken empire. [/center]