[center][h3]Super Magical Runway F2 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@itano123][@i-am-x][@sen][/center] >Rui: 4/3 [s]SPD UP / ATK UP / DEF UP[/s] >Matthew: 4/4 [s]ATK UP / DEF UP[/s] >Akane: 4/4 [s]ATK UP / DEF UP[/s] >Sato: 3/4 [s]ATK UP / DEF UP[/s] >Shizuka's Shadow, Kyuubi: 85% HP The careful poking and striking from afar wasn't proving too effective, but they were testing the waters. Rui with Sukukaja buffed on him went for two Mighty Swings, dealing a fair chunk of damage, but the fox coming out largely unscathed showed they had a long way to go. The buffs helped out too. Megumi's scan was almost done as the party began to weather the fox's counter-attack, a bright array of colours and light, sweeping everyone with a bit of damage, but they also felt the buffs disappear. Fortunately the Persona hasn't dealt any lasting damage, so everyone managed to weather the damage, but a repeat of it enough times they could end up in a bad spot. [color=slategray]"Anti-buffs...? This may take a little longer than normal"[/color], he commented. [hr] [center][h3]Hall of the Slain F1 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@haru nyan][@diabolicalrhapsody][@takaru] Rescue Target: Masahide [@Leolycan][/center] >Kami: 4/4 >Kotori: 4/4 >Alexei DMG1: 4/4 >Riku: 4/4 >Masahide's Shadow, Loki: 95% HP >Fafnir: 75% HP The Zionga from Kotori somehow managed to find it's target, then again it was kind of difficult to avoid an instant bolt of lightning. The wolf didn't seem to be very sturdy, so it looks like they can dispatch it relatively quickly if they can lock it down and focus it. While they were thinking about that. On the other hand despite Alexei charging down the main shadow, it didn't seem to take much damage. Immediately following that was a retaliation from the wolf and the shadow itself, striking Alexei with it's hand, it's flesh ripping before regenerating again. Regenerative abilities...? But it didn't seem to be using it for itself beyond it's own attacks... Still, the wolf could go down in a single turn if they focused it right. [color=aba000]"We go for the wolf, then focus the shadow"[/color], Kami ordered. [hr]