[b]L[/b]ukas stared at the large building before him, paralyzed with anxiety. He was being forced to attend this new school, Hero School, for children of superheroes. His father was no hero, but now, the school accepted any children with powers. He definitely had powers. A tug on the sleeve of his black and blue striped sweater pulled him out of his trance-like state of though. His body jolted, and he looked to his side to see his sister, Lucy, yanking his arm. "Let's go!" she demanded, holding in her squeals of excitement for her brother's sake. Luke blinked and stared a moment before nodding, taking her hand. His body tensed up as he approached the primary school building to take Lucy inside. He needed to sign her in at the Office, then head over to the high school before he was late. Once Luke signed her in, Lucy ran off to find her locker and classroom, giggling with excitement. Now, Lukas headed over to the high school building. He shook slightly and kept his head down, staring at the ground. His front cuspid teeth sank into the inside of his lip, so hard that he was surprised he wasn't bleeding yet. As soon as he made his way inside, it seemed worse than outside, and he started shaking visibly. He quietly made his way to the office to receive a schedule. At least when he signed Lucy in at the primary office, she was able to state her own name. He just prayed that the secretaries knew sign language.