[center][IMG]http://puu.sh/ps5OJ/9d061f8668.png[/IMG] [Hider=Black Cat] [IMG]http://www.hawtcelebs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/zoe-kravitz-in-flaunt-magazine_1.jpg[/IMG] Interacting with Light/[@Archmage MC], Jennifer/[@Framing A Moose], Mercury/[@Gilgex] Location: Doc 32A [/hider][/center] [hr] [color=7ea7d8]"Who wants a hug? C'mon, don't be scared of the toon!" [/color] While Aja wasn't a touchy feely person, she did like the fact that this person was trying to be inclusive. She looked kinda weird though. Cartoon-like (hence toon?). Aja wondered how she walked around civvies that way. Honestly, the more she stared, the more she wanted to run tests on that girl. Sequence her DNA, do some work on her proteins...Tie her down to a hospital bed while the sounds of her surgical equipment went off and the toon squealed in terror. OK maybe her imagination got the best of her on the last thought, just nerd/mad scientist stuff you know? After the crust of the second pizza hit her lips did she realize that she was rude for not thanking this woman for bringing the pizza. [color=a187be]"Sorry about that ma'am. Thank you very mu--" [/color] [color=0E32CF]”You! What is your name.”[/color] Not a question, but a demand.The anger in his voice calling behind her was chilling but not something Black Cat would back down from. She dropped her plate and put her hands behind her back as she turned to face the mystery man. [color=a187be]"Black Cat."[/color]She said with a half smile. He had a very odd appearance that turned her expression into something more inquisitive. A masked man with a hoodie overdrawn. Blue probably so she didn't think he was KKK, but his odd appearance did have her captivated. Maybe it was more than that though...something she couldn't quite put her finger on. The anger in his expression was fiery and yet somehow made Black Cat all the more taunting. She took a step back in case this was to turn into a fight as hand to hand combat was not a forte of hers. The words dripped from her tongue slyly and a bit flirtatiously if i may add... "And you are?" She paused briefly before adding [color=a187be]"It's rude to ask a lady's name before giving their own." [/color]Quickly scanning the sky, she checked for any bit of light breaking through. Safe to say if this did breed potential for a fight, there would be no handicapping her today.