[color=gold]Reply to, [@PaintLynn],[/color] [b]L[/b]ukas was nearly shoved to the ground by a tall girl in a red and black suit. He fell into the wall, then almost fell through it. He picked himself up, shaking anxiously. He was reminded of how difficult it would be to communicate with anyone here. Why would superhuman teenagers have a use for sign language? He had to try, at least. Luke made a quick movement with his hands, making an "O" with his right, then bringing it down to his flattened left hand with a "K", to tell her that it was okay (although he didn't entirely think so, this was "proper manners.") He then shifted his eyes to the ground and stepped back. He didn't want to see the confusion on her face if she didn't understand, and he wasn't sure he wanted her to understand. The only thing he wanted was to get out of his current situation.