[color=steelblue] [h2] [center] Abel "Abe" Parker | Location: Lounge [/center] [/h2] [/color] Abel sighed, listening to Nikolai and Irina's talking. He placed his fingers against eyelids and massaged them, relief filling him as the throbbing left him. As his adrenaline faded, he felt stinging on his hand, and flipped it around to see that his knuckles were bleeding slightly. He sighed and wiped the blood off on the couch. He could care less whose couch he was staining. He swore as his vision flashed again, this time showing him a picture of the lounge where the sat. He gave the pain a few moments to subside, and then leaned his elbows on his knees and placing his head in his hands. [color=steelblue]"Oh my God."[/color] He muttered to no one in particular. [color=steelblue]"There's cameras everywhere. They're watching us!"[/color] He suddenly stood up, his fists clenched in anger. Completely disregarding Nikolai and Irina, he marched to the middle of the lounge. He thought about the perspective of the camera he'd just seen through, and deduced that it was on the far wall. He turned to the wall and shook his head. [color=SteelBlue]"I know you're watching us!"[/color] He shouted towards the wall. [color=steelblue]"I don't know who you are, but I know you've got cameras throughout the whole building! Hiding behind your computers like a coward!"[/color] HE looked to his left at the mini bar and grabbed a porcelain bowl from the counter. He threw it against the wall, shattering it. Breathing heavily turned back to the other two. [color=SteelBlue]"It's like its a damn game to them!"[/color] He said with strained, angry vocal chords. He blinked away the furious tears that were peaking at his eyelids. [@wolverbells] [@hellhoundwoof]