[center][h1]||[color=82ca9d]Felix Leverett[/color]||[/h1][hr][hr][/center] Felix sharply looked up as crackling sound filled the room, followed by the droning of an elderly man sending out instructions. The assembly hall? Where was that? Before he could turn to Cesela and ask, the girl was already out the door, blending into the thickening crowd of students. Felix hurriedly zipped up his suitcase. Even if he had a map, there was no time to consult it. The thought of being punished on the first day did not sit well with him. In a rush, he grabbed his ID card and hurried out the door. As small as the student body was, they were very fond of pushing. [i]Very[/i] fond. Felix winced as several bodies unceremoniously nudged him forward. A couple muttered, "Pardons," managed to clear some of the crowding, but only for a moment. After that, he was near trampled on once more. His height was a clear disadvantage here. Where ever he looked, multiple torsos pressed against him tightly. He never had claustrophobia, but this was close enough to give it to him. Eventually, the crowd thinned out, giving room for Felix to relax. The current of people led him to a set of double doors, inside being a spectacle of an auditorium. Felix hurried to a seat near the front, a small sigh of relief slipping out of his mouth. So far, he wasn't late or a flattened pancake on the ground. Not a bad start, all things considered. A hush fell over the scattered students, though the occasional whisper near the back persisted. Felix sat upright, paying sharp attention as the headmaster gave his words. It was a fairly generic greeting. An introduction and an icebreaker all in one. Still, it did little to deter Felix's excitement. He watched as a young man went upstage, barely hiding his laughter as the man did his introduction. He pitied the headmaster, of course, but the look on his face was enough to illicit a chuckle from Felix. He watched the young man, Jae, walk down. As scary looking as we was, he seemed like an interesting stranger. And, as his mother used to say, strangers were only friends he hadn't yet made. Felix bounced up as no one else came forward. He walked towards the stage, an aura of confidence exuding from him. [color=82ca9d]"Hello to you all!"[/color] he greeted, flashing the crowd his most charming grin. [color=82ca9d]"My name is Felix Leverett. I'm a third year, although this is my first time in this school. I have a passion for art, literature, and,"[/color] he sent out a wink to a group of fanciful looking girls in the audience, [color=82ca9d]"all you beautiful ladies out there. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!"[/color] With another flashing smile, Felix turned and hopped down the steps. He returned to his previous seat, twiddling his thumbs as he went over his words. Had he said too much? Too little? Had he seemed too annoying or eager? He shook away the nervous thoughts. There was no point in dwelling on it too much. All he could do now was turn to the stage and see who would go up next.