[@Leos Klien] Indeed Sten has his moments of pure cookie greatness. [img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/2s8jwqs.jpg[/img] But he also have moments like this that I hold even more dear. [img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/9407/th/pre/i/2010/249/8/5/ferelden_weather_by_strunza-d2y4yny.jpg[/img] [hr] [@CrystalCHTriple] Seems like an incredibly interesting character, just want to clear some things up before I give you the green light. I get that he is a Rivaini mage that was sent to Tevinter by his parents to avoid the harshness of the south, I actually really like the angle, but was his brother a Templar down in the south or up in Tevinter? Did his family come along with him to Tevinter because that is the feeling I got from reading about his Grandfather passing. Honestly all this stuff is just stuff I was wondering about, Rili is great and you are good to go, feel free to post him in the CS tab =) As for a second character I will have to say no for now just because we have so many people already, if our numbers lower then that may change though. [hr] [@KRIEEEG] I can handle the lore my friend *hides the shamefully large amount of lore books* I am prepared! But seriously though it would be great to have someone to spitball ideas with.