Caractacus takes a step back. Coward? Is that the impression he gave? It certainly wasn't a flattering description, but it was better than outright hostility and lynching. He shook his head. [color=dimgray]"I am t-taking this job because it's the right th-thing to do. W-we have to stop the lich and his uh, undead. And all the other bad stuff."[/color] He nodded. That would be a sufficient explanation, right? Something a hero would say, surely. Caractacus leans down to pick up his staff. [color=dimgray]"Besides, I d-don't need to be physically strong wh-when I have my mind and my m-magic. It will p-protect me."[/color] He once again tried a smile. He's not very confident looking. [color=dimgray]"I underst-st-stand I don't make a good first impression, h-heh, but I am truly quite capable."[/color] Caractacus was about to turn to go inside, when a thought struck him. [color=dimgray]"W-wait. You never answered my question. What are y-you here for?"[/color]