[@Leos Klien] Really, I honestly had no idea. It was from my understanding that all the races of Thedas had the same lifespan, which is why the slightly longer lifespan of the Qunari do to their development of actual medicine rather than hoping for magic was considered a grand thing. The only elves I can recall with an extended lifespan were... [hider=Spoilers for Orgins and Inquisition, click at your own risk! Mwhahahahahaha!]Zathrian and the guardians in the temple of Mythal. Both of which was some serious magic being done, Zathrian's being tied to an ancient curse while the guardians being actual ancient elves who were bound to the will of Mythal.[/hider] ...both of which required some serious magic. But seriously if I am wrong please correct me, I hate walking around with wrong information especially about things I am so passionate like this. Sorry if I scarred you off from this character, but I am still excited to what you come up with =) [@KRIEEEG] Can't wait to see the finished product dude =) And who needs a healer, the wounds only make you stronger! XD [@HurrFer] I demand a dance to celebrate our victory! XD EDIT: Official Announcement: I am officially saying we are filled up guys, if you have already talked to me then you are golden and can post a CS, but if you haven't I am sorry to say that we aren't taking anyone else at the moment. But that may change in the future, as of right now it is uncertain