[color=f7941d]Curt continued to approach her with caution. Judging by her mere stance along and the air of the room said that Leon had already placed a hand on her and didn’t exactly leave a positive impression.[/color] [color=ed1c24]However, as the gods sat down around the girl; Scorpio kept standing. Her arms crossed under her chest as she glared at the human woman in the room. “What is the king thinking? This is a waste of time. Sending us to deal with this Goldfish and now we can’t even use our powers…” Then her eyes quickly flicked to the god lounging in the chair staring at the human. “Lion, what do you know?” She demanded clicking her tongue in his direction. “You know something. I can tell.”[/color] A smile moved across Leon’s face, his gaze never breaking from Jo as she sat bewildered over what was happened. [color=c4df9b]“Quiet Scorpio we’ll address that at a later time.” Alexander said in his sharp voice filled with authority as he sat down next to Axel who seemed almost timid to do so.[/color] [color=f7941d]“It’s a bit… difficult to explain.” Curt began as if searching for the words, his chocolate eyes shifting back and forth as he stared at the floor. [/color] [color=a187be]“We’re Gods, casted from the heavens; each branded with committing their own individual sins.” The silent one in white finally spoke up, his voice was clear and clean as if he knew exactly what to said, despite how blunt it is. The bluntness of his statement caused Curt to wince. It wasn’t fun getting reminded of their sins but he was hoping to go about it a bit more… tactfully.[/color] [color=f7941d]“Yes, thank you Hue.” Curt said, his voice sounding annoyed as he glared down Hue before turning a soft expression covered face to Jo. “Yes, that is a blunt way of putting it. And our king said that we would find a goddess on earth and you…” He gave her a gentle smile. “You are that goddess…” The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.[/color] [color=0072bc]“Miss…” Axel, the youngest with his curly hair spoke up. “I know this is probably a lot for you to take in but please understand that we don’t want to be here anymore than you want to be in this situation. We’re just looking for a way home and apparently…the way home lays with you.”[/color] Every god besides Leon nodded, by his casual demeanor it was obvious that Leon had figured that out to begin with. He knew what the king had in mind and he wasn’t shocked at all. “We can’t use our powers without touching her.” Leon finally spoke up watching her closely ignoring everyone else’s reactions. [color=f7941d]Though their reactions were of shock. Curt, feeling the bravest of them all stuck out his hand to her. “May I borrow your hand?” Despite her hesitancy, when he had her hand he snapped his free hand and a flower appeared in it. “Well I’ll be darned.” He said in surprise as he looked out the flower. Turning her palm over he placed the flower in her hand and nodded. “For you.”[/color] [color=c4df9b]“The heavens will find out about this soon enough. If we can use our powers we can work.” Alexander spoke up, his posture perfect in his black uniform. [/color] [color=ed1c24]“I am not touching a human…” Scorpio tried to object only to be shot a look of ‘shut up’ from her superior.[/color] [color=c4df9b]“Human;” Alexander said, “Do you have a name?”[/color] “It’s Jo.” Leon spoke up only to receive a dirty look from Alexander, to which he smirked in response. [color=c4df9b]“Jo.” Alexander repeated looking back at the girl, “I am Alexander, God of Libra. With knowing you are the window to our abilities once again we will be put back on normal tasks and to that we will need your assistance. Without your help the world will fall out of balance for the work that our departments do it vital. Will you assist us?”[/color]