[hider=Jodee] [center][color=fdc68a]Name:[/color] Jodee [color=fdc68a]Age:[/color] 20 [color=fdc68a]Gender:[/color] Female [color=fdc68a]Race:[/color] Elf [color=fdc68a]Class/Specialization:[/color] Dual Rogue [color=fdc68a]Appearance:[/color] Jodee could count one handed the number of times she clearly saw her face in a mirror, not that her appearance was something she ever considered. Her hair could be a pleasing light auburn colour, if she bothered to wash or brush it. But it is kept short barely reaching her jaw, and often looks shorter still due to its tendency to curl and form heavy mats that where more often cut away then combed out. This paired with the her lanky frame (even for an elf) that never quite formed into much more than somewhat tall child at 5’0, leads many to mistake her for a boy. A small few may find her face charming, but far from beautiful. The most prominent feature is the vallaslin of Ghilan’nain from her time with the Dalish. Her grey eyes slant outwards, making the smile on her too-wide mouth look more like a smirk and her nose ends too soon with an undemure upward turn. Whatever symmetry her face may have held is lost on a scar on the left cheek running from below the eye socket to jaw-bone, paired with a scattering of freckles that shows itself whenever too much time is spent out-doors, leaves her complexion as undesirable as any of her other features. [color=fdc68a]Abilities:[/color] Slight of Hand: Josee has been referred to as a 'sticky-fingered magpie'. She takes what she needs, or just wants at any given time. While hardly a master thief, she can and has survived on the ignorance of others as she sorts their pockets or cards. Lockpicking: Self-explanatory. Story-teller: Jodee’s energy and excitement often get the better of her and without meaning to sometimes the truth gets distorted, often enough she gets so wrapped up in a good lie she half believes it herself which helps others do the same. Survival: Not particularity masterful, and she’d much rather spend a night in a warm inn with plenty of wine and food; when push comes to shove Jodee can do quite well in the wilderness and even navigate using the stars or winds. Side-step: Luck and a big mouth often lead Jodee into situations she should never be in. As used to it as she is, there’s nearly always a way out if you move fast enough. She can doge slow attacks easy enough, but when things get too much for her, she can roll, twist or even flip a few meters away to safety before her opponent knows what happened. Dual-Daggers: Jodee can hold her own in a fight, her almost boundless energy is needed in her quick, unyielding combat style focused more on dodging and wearing her opponent down with small pinpricks before going in for a deadly strike when they’re sufficiently weary. [color=fdc68a]Personality:[/color] There aren’t many things that Jodee can’t find a reason to laugh at. Even at the worst of times she is downright cheery and rather annoyingly energetic. While she may fancy herself a sort of mercenary, she isn’t much more then a small time pickpocket, with too much of a conscious to outright kill someone who didn’t deserve it (not that she was particular about what was ‘deserving’ of a knife in the back). She is her own moral compass, and remorse and pitty are forgein to her. The few jobs she has done where for the excitement more than the coin; which no matter the amount can never remain in her pocket for too long. A string of luck seems to follow her wherever she goes, landing her both in and out of tight spots [color=fdc68a]History:[/color] Born if not exactly raised, in the city of Denerim the only relative Jodee has even know was her mother, a scullery maid to an inconsequential lord who could not quite make ends meet in the slums of the alienage. Jodee is fairly certain that ‘Jodee’ was not the name her mother had given her, and she may have once even had a last name, but after being orphaned and employed promptly at the age of 10 it is the only name anyone ever called her, and so it was the one she kept. The past is not something she likes to dwell on, her mother is a sweet memory distorted as it may be by time and her childhood was far from unhappy; but that only made the loss bitter in comparison and thus not something to dwell on. The employer was not the same as her mother’s though it might well of been. She was treated fairly though to work was tedious and she never performed up to expectations despite the number of years she spent repeating the same tasks. There aren’t a great many places for an elven girl to say in the capital and with her double sided luck, Jodee managed to continuously get herself into scrapes but landed on her feet each time, apparently never learning after each experience. It didn’t take long for her to get properly stuck into a gang at the age of 12. It was mostly elves, street rats, looking back it was doubtless the older ones where smuggling lyrium for ‘Litas’ a dwarf that had always smelled of rum. The younger ones; herself and a handful of other urchins she never knew well, where simple pickpockets and thieves of the houses they worked. For the first while she was rather terrible, but she was small and watery-eyed looks to the guards with pitiful stories of starving sisters where usually enough to keep the off. After three years of the trade however, she became rather adept and developed a rather sever case of kleptomania. Then of course the bad turn of her luck came and her dead-drops stopped getting retrieved. Guards came to her employer’s house to take her away. But she was still young and knew nothing and was turned back out after a week in cells. She was 15 and unemployable, with no friends of contacts to speak of. Denerim was done she decided and left. The Dalish where hardly more than a folk story to children in the alienage, and when she actually met a clan of them a mere five day journey outside the city she truly believed the maker or whatever gods there where had brought her to a home. Of course it was hardly so simple. She never properly fit in with the Dalish, she may have become a proficient hunter and earned vallaslin, but couldn’t pronounce or even remember the name of the god it represented. A few tried to make her feel welcome among them, but they were never a family even after nearly 5 years. When word came that the clan was going to send hunters to help fight the darkspawn, Jodee decided adventure was one thing, fighting endless hordes of nightmare creatures because some ancient piece of parchment said she must was another and left the same night without telling a soul. She made it as far as Highever on her own, and for a short time resorted to the tricks of her childhood to get by, but it was clear this was merely a temporary solution. Then as she was walking the docks a captain mistook her, dressed in ragged clothing and unkempt as she was, for a boy, one looking for work, and offered a position as a sailor. This was a stroke of luck and ‘Joden’ wasted no time regaling the captain of ‘his’ skill in star navigation. For two months she washed after some 40 men as they crossed the Waking Sea near a dozen times. For six more, she worked beside the navigation officer, stumbling her way through maps, and even learned a few of the most important words she was expected to know. After that it was discovered she was a girl and the captain, superstitious gout he was dropped her at the nearest port, Kirkwall, without her last week’s pay.[/center] [/hider]