[quote=@Mimic] [i]Nervously approaching comes a cart, rolling along the eternal path of blackness on four almost circles of wood.[/i] Hello there... I'm here to apply for the bouncer job. Do you have a sheet I can fill in or questions you want to ask? [i]The voice emanates from somewhere in the cart, among the boxes and sacks. Within the forgettable crops sack beneath the burnt apple barrel sits a magnificent ring and within that sits Zyrid the Amiable. Upon his soft chair he smokes a long pipe and gazes around his vast library, he has tired of the universe and its knowledge, he thirsts for mortal expression and meaningfulness.[/i] [hr] [@Dark Light] [/quote] Well, I was going to post, but seeing as I have been removed from the staff list I will wait until I get a message back from the GM to see if I've been fired or not. LOL If I have been let go, all the best to ya. :) EDIT: Kay, I'm not fired. XD Maybe we can work out having 2 bouncers.