[center] [h1][b][color=A280FF]Lisa Martinez[/color][/b] & [b][color=00FF1E]Amado Cortez[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mqdDKLP.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZhzN4RI.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, near Helicopter [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Amado (NPC), Nyt - [@Din], Mercury - [@Gilgex], Marcus - [@Pundii], Light - [@Archmage MC], Mattias - [@LPFan], Alexandra - [@Chickn], Jennifer - [@Framing A Moose], Edwina - [@Morose][/center][hr] After Lisa finished her speech, she looked to Amado, who gave her a nod of impressive approval. She looked back to everyone, who then preceeded to ask questions. Hearing the question about Netflix of all things, she looked to Edwina with a 'seriously?' look. [b][color=A280FF]"We do. Even if we didn't have Netflix, we would've set it up for you."[/color][/b] She said before smirking a little. [b][color=A280FF]"Can't live without Game of Thrones. huh?"[/color][/b] She joked before looking to the others. Hearing Marcus say that, she nodded. [b][color=A280FF]"Beats everything, my friend. Or at least I believe so."[/color][/b] She said with a soft smile. Once Mercury came to her, she nodded, smiling. [b][color=A280FF]"Yeah, I sent the letters."[/color][/b] She said with a smile before yelping in surprise from the hug. [b][color=A280FF]"Eep!"[/color][/b] She yelped, looking to him and hugging him back. [b][color=A280FF]"Well... alright, that's nice I guess..."[/color][/b] She said awkwardly. [b][color=A280FF]"... well, I'm here... I guess."[/color][/b] She chuckled. [b][color=A280FF]"I assume you're willing to take on the risks of being part of the Powerbound Alliance? If you were listening at all?"[/color][/b] She asked. Once Light spoke, she looked back to her. That unnerved face came upon her once again, still trying to shake it off. [b][color=A280FF]"Well... uh... not really, we have plenty of income and funds to do whatever we like. It's just our mission to be heroes, and to bring good and purge evil from the world."[/color][/b] She explained. [color=A280FF][b]"Oh, okay, cool. Glad to have you onboard!"[/b][/color] She said, while happy to have the toon with them, she's still unnerved about her existence. It's gonna take a while to get used to. She then looked to Aja. [b][color=A280FF]"Oh... uhm... Aja, right? You're rather late."[/color][/b] She said. [b][color=A280FF]"I just got done making a speech about the Powerbound Alliance. Long story short, we're a group of superheroes that live in a large mansion called The Sanctuary, and we do a variety of missions to help bring good and purge evil from this world. In exchange for your services, you'll be reimbursed with cash, and will be given shelter and food to your heart's content."[/color][/b] She said with a soft smile. [b][color=A280FF]"However, these missions are extremely dangerous, so I recommend a careful decision before we take the bird into the sky."[/color][/b] Lisa recommended before turning to Matthias. Once Matthias revealed himself, Lisa looked to him. [color=A280FF][b]"Oh, hey there! Quite late to the party, thanks for showing up, regardless."[/b][/color] She said. [color=A280FF][b]"Mhm, yep, I'm the one who sent these letters. Lisa Martinez."[/b][/color] She said with a smile. Once she listened to him ask her these questions, she shrugged. [b][color=A280FF]"Just like oil, huh? Volatile, unpredictable, destructive? Yeah, when used in the wrong hands. When treated with care, you can use it as a very effective and efficient force."[/color][/b] She said with a smirk. [color=A280FF][b]"And that's what we need. We are in need of new heroes... and unfortunately, you guys are kinda all we got right now."[/b][/color] She explained. [b][color=A280FF]"You must be Matthias, right? I read your dossier. I hope you heard what I was talking about earlier... I really hate having to repeat my epic speeches."[/color][/b] She said with a soft chuckle. Lisa looked to Jenny. [b][color=A280FF]"Hon, our hiring process doesn't require resume's. We make our own out of yours. Our hiring process is just a little different."[/color][/b] She said with a soft smile. [color=A280FF][b]"Once we get to the Sanctuary, you guys will soon prove to me how useful to me you are. You can quit anytime you'd like, but we don't drop people in the hiring process."[/b][/color] She said. [b][color=A280FF]"I'll explain it all when we get there."[/color][/b] She said. Once she heard that Alex was in, she nodded to her. [b][color=A280FF]"Glad to hear that."[/color][/b] She said with a smile. [b][color=A280FF]"I can make accomodations in your room if you'd like."[/color][/b] She said, giving her a knowing nod, indicating that she knew about her tentacle arms. One Nyt nodded as well, she nodded back with a smile. [b][color=A280FF]"Alright, that's nice."[/color][/b] She looked amongst the others. Lisa looked to Amado. [b][color=A280FF]"Am I forgetting something?"[/color][/b] She asked. Amado looked to her. [b][color=00FF1E]"No, I don't think so."[/color][/b] Fenrir stood almost as still as a statue, his face of scorn and his scowl remaining still as well. Seeing all of this, it just made his blood boil. Nearly cringe if he had the capacity to do it. He simply shook his head and turned around, leading out and into the shadows, behind a few shipping containers, heading home, back to isolation. Lisa looked up to Mercury. [b][color=A280FF]"Oh hey... uhm... can you go get him for me please?"[/color][/b] Lisa asked. [b][color=A280FF]"Apparently we have some explaining to do..."[/color][/b] She said worriedly.