[hider=Archangel] [center][img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/1b66a7ea14039f71752ba0f7a02802ee/tumblr_msuzdfCW1o1surf6zo3_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=8493ca]Ezra Collins[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] [color=8493ca][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent] Ezra Jonas Collins - "Archangel" [/indent] [color=8493ca][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [indent] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2pX5dw7Ti_k/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] He is built like an athlete. He is 6'3' feet tall. A little taller than most people his age. His hair is a dirty blonde, almost brown if it was any darker. His eyes are a pale green as well. [/indent] [color=8493ca][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent] 18 [/indent] [color=8493ca][b]Power(s):[/b][/color] [indent] [b]Wing Manifestation[/b] - He has bird wings in his back, ever since the radiation wave had hit. These wings make him look like a sort of angel. He has the ability to fly through the air like a bird, and can soar through the skies really fast. They could possibly block rear attacks, though they would be injured like wings from any animal. He can do aerial attacks. Like, drop kicking someone from the air, or clothes-lining someone while flying at them. This could be very useful for scouting out enemies, or other things. [/indent] [color=8493ca][b]Affiliation:[/b][/color] [indent] Guardians (Soon to be a Secret Wave member.) [/indent] [color=8493ca][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [indent] Ezra is probably one of the most cynical Smart-Alecs you'll ever meet. He casually makes witty jokes and one liners, and loves to get under people's skin to see their reaction. One of the best troublemakers you'd meet. He's sarcastic a lot, especially when someone makes a obvious or dumb statement. He loves to play around, and is very irresponsible. He's the very rude and crude wisecracker of the group. When he is angry, he will show it. He has no problem with getting into fights. Considering, he's been in many of them. His feelings about humanity are mixed, he knows how some are innocent. But he really does not like them. Almost forgot to mention that the guy is a narcissist. He really thinks of himself well. [/indent] [color=8493ca][b]Bio:[/b][/color] [indent] Ezra Jonas Collins' life has been filled with issues. He grew up on the streets, with no friends or family. He was just a little kid on the streets. And life was hard for him, and would be even harder once he would become a Gifted. He was soon brought into a Catholic Orphanage. These were one of the worst type of orphanages to be in. He was bullied by other orphans, they would beat on him. Steal from him, and sometimes just insult him. He would sometimes cry in his room when no one was around. He made one friend, and his name was Charles. Ezra and Charles were very good friends. When Ezra was bullied, Charles would stick up for him. That's until Charles was adopted. Ezra was angered, jealous, bitter, sad. He was so angry to the point where he started the change from a shy kid to a tough brat. Whenever a bully tried to hurt him, he would fight back. And would usually win with bruises. He started getting in trouble more and more. He even started stealing whatever he wanted, from comics at the store to people's snacks or foods. At one point, he left the Orphanage. He ran away, and life was even harder for him. Bullies were worse, considering that on the streets there were gangsters, and other people. That's until he met a group of people just like him. A group of young misfits like him took him in. They stole food from parlors, spray-painted walls. They did whatever they felt like doing. He grew with his little gang. They were his only family, at least for then. At the age 16, he and his friends were caught by the cops, but he escaped. He and a girl named Alexis. They would not cross paths again, and Ezra was alone again. It was him against the world. One day Ezra was walking down an alley way after running from the cops successfully, he and a bird crossed paths. That's when the wave of radiation had hit. And his DNA and the bird's mixed. He went unconscious that day, and woke up in a hospital. Hospitals were very busy considering that the wave had not just gave people Gifts, it injured people. It took a while for his wings to sprout. But it was very, very painful. They slowly pushed out of his back, day by day. He was afraid of them, and tried to cut them off, but was only successful in just hurting himself. That's when they really came out, and they were amazing. He could fly, not something the normal person could do. At first, he used these powers for petty theft. And it worked out well for him. That's until the law started cracking down on the Gifted. Him and other people with these Gifts were arrested. Most of them were barely able to hide from the Police. Ezra was one of the first to be arrested. It was not rather horrible for him, but it was more boring then ever. They barely let the prisoners out of their cells. . A guy named David Peterson had showed one morning, and asked him to become a hero and have a so-called 'second chance' at his life. He didn't really care about this hero business, but if it would get him out of Saturn Prison. He'd take it. [/indent] [color=8493ca][b]Theme:[/b][/color] [indent] Coming Soon. [/indent] [/hider]