[center][h2][color=999999]Thurin Stoutarm[/color][/h2][/center] Wizard magic always put Thurin under an unease that he'd need to sleep off in order to feel better again. He recalled when Gandalf had shown how to turn pine cones into flaming projectiles, and the memory was still fresh over 60 years later. He huffed, and smoothed his beard. At least Ofnir would see to his horse being treated fairly. He let his thoughts dwell upon the mission, however. It seemed perilous and rough. Then again, what worthwhile journey was not? Taking it all in stride was Thurin's specialty, and he did so with ne'er a complaint. [color=0072bc]”I almost forgot! I booked you a place to stay tonight.”[/color] The wizard then reached inside his robes and pulled out a set of coins, each marked with a room number, and tossed them to Turambar.[color=0072bc] ”But unfortunately, as you can see, there were not enough beds for everyone, one is lacking... Two of you will have to share!”[/color] Thurin raised an eyebrow at that, and then witnessed the Elf and Halfling's curious display. Thurin let out a chuckle. Seemed this small folk thought the Elf was a princess. Then he realized, she might be at that! It mattered little to Thurin. As 'matter of fact' as always, he gave a nod. "[color=999999]Me thanks, good Wizard for yer warning and yer room. And glad I am for my companions that I needn't share a room with them.[/color]" he said, and then looked down, almost embarrassed. "[color=999999]I snore so loud, I wake up my poor horse, you see.[/color]"