[b]URIEL ATTICUS - LOCATION: CAFETERIA[/b] The girl had a pleasant British accent, not unlike Arthur’s. Talking to these people, knowing that they were all in the same position as he was put Uriel at ease. It was nice to have something to bring him out of his fervour, even for just a little bit. [color=00aeef]“Allia, huh? Pretty name.”[/color] he said amicably. Pretty smile too. It was- [color=00aeef]“Just like its owner.”[/color] Geh, did he really just say that out loud? She was just as scared as he was, probably even more. This was no time to be making moves on people! Damn his flawless charisma. Uriel could be pretty dull sometimes but even he knew that it was stupidly insensitive to be hitting on someone in this situation. [color=00aeef]“I didn’t- I mean- You seem nice!”[/color] Uriel blabbered frantically, trying to rectify the situation, [color=00aeef]“That’s all! You too, Arthur! You’re both super cool and I hope we all live long enough to be buddies!”[/color] Oh my god, he needed to stop talking right now. He turned his focus to his pile of snacks, ripping open a bag of chips this time. Hopefully stuffing his mouth would hide the blush creeping up his face. Sometimes he could be so- Urgh, salt and vinegar flavour!? Why did he even pick that up?? Something else came up before he could dwell on it any further. [color=bc8dbf]"A-Arthur?? A-Are you alright? You don't look well at all. D-Do you feel pain? A headache?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Hm? Oh, yes I'm fine thank you. Just a little headache, nothing serious. It's probably from all the excitement here, I warrant."[/color] Arthur was wincing, rubbing his forehead. Definitely a headache. Uriel could somehow already feel it, even before Arthur clarified it. It wasn’t like the pains that the drugs inflicted. It definitely wasn’t natural either. It was triggered by some sort of outside source. It was sharper and stronger than the usual. Hold on, how did he know that? Uriel thought that if he calmed down, if he stopped panicking, the sensations would go away. But it was the exact opposite. The more he started thinking, started concentrating, started becoming aware of it all, the stronger it became. And right now, it was all coming from Arthur. It was all really… unsettling for Uriel. But Arthur was the one going through the worst of it. Uriel couldn’t imagine what it must have felt like. On second thought, yes he could. He was sensing it right now somehow. [color=00aeef]“You sure, mate?”[/color] Uriel asked a bit halfheartedly. There was too much mumbo-jumbo in his head for him to concentrate fully on Arthur’s problem. [color=00aeef]“If you need anything, it’s fine to ask.”[/color] A loud ringing sounded through the entire facility. It was loud as hell, loud enough to divert Uriel’s thoughts from Arthur’s headache and his own worries. The lady on the intercom had a sweet voice, one that was way too calm and reasonable for the situation they were in. [color=00aeef]“’We wanted to reassure you!’”[/color] Uriel repeated in a high-pitched mocking voice, [color=00aeef]“Pure intentions, my ass!”[/color] Uriel was sick of being afraid. Now he was just pissed. And he wanted some goddamn answers. If the only way to get them was to follow the lady’s orders, then so be it. He was going to get to the bottom of this and get out of this place. He sighed. [color=00aeef]“Guess that’s our only option right now. We should go, yeah?”[/color] [@Jinxer] [@sakurasan]