[center][b]Aleu[/b]♀ [color=lightgray]Quickly coming to a slower pace as she entered the clearing, Aleu ducks her head in apology with her tail tucked to her rear as she passes the Alphas, making her way inside the den to grab up the pups. Reaching both of them, Aleu quickly grabs Anum by the scruff and softly nudges Kita towards the entrance of the den. With Kita in lead, Aleu stops near the entrance and sets Anum down beside her sister, gently licking the spot where she'd grabbed Anum to slick down her neck fur. Looking up, Aleu listens attentively for the Alphas commands.[/color] [b]Desaius[/b]♂ [color=tan]Sitting at the edge of the clearing, Desaius watches carefully and silently, unmoving. His eyes flicker over towards Reaver when he howls, focusing on him. At one point, Desaius thought of trying to challenge him but decided otherwise due to his injuries acquired as a pup that left him practically useless for anything. It was by the grace of the Alphas before both Reaver and Cahira, they both only seemed to tolerate the poor guy. However much he disliked Reaver, [sup]for no real reason, really,[/sup] he kept it very respectful and kind when it came to Cahira. There was a light about her that Desaius had always admired. Things that he once saw in his past mate who'd fallen ill during the winter.[/color] [b]Shadow[/b]♀ [color=gold]As Reaver came into view, Shadow quickly moved out of his way and sat off to the left of the den and turned back around to sit facing the two Alphas as they silently took role call.[/color] [b]Kai[/b]♂ [color=green]Kai was no match for little Aleu. To her credit, she had more than just speed in her favor. She'd spent more than a whole year longer than him exploring these woods. She knew all the shortcuts and things to avoid in the wood. Kai made it into the clearing with enough time to see Aleu's tail disappear into the shadows of the den. Spotting Shadow, Kai darted over towards her and lay next to her with his head on his paws, panting as quietly as he could manage.[/color][/center]