Name: Insatiable Sheol Gender: Female Race: Orc Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Sheol is a thrill seeker, a lover of danger and excitement, always ready to feast, fight, and have fun. Strong-willed, straightforward, and brutally honest, Sheol is either an entertaining person to be around or a pure menace. Sheol likes to consider herself the heroic type, but her perversions and lust tends to paint a bad reputation about her, thus most parties will hesitate to accept her. Still, she’s always willing to lend a hand to others on a whim, usually asking for something in exchange after helping, but sometimes she would just settle for a favor she may never call upon. It’s not to say that Sheol is careless or takes nothing seriously; quite the contrary. She takes everything seriously, just so she can make it entertaining. Biography: Sheol comes from a roaming tribe of orcish warrior women, who have made it a habit or kidnapping strong adventurers and having their way with them. However Sheol was different. She had little interest in men; she wanted women. She wanted their soft skin, their pleasant scent, and their lovely squeals. Of course, she also wanted to court women as opposed to just taking them like her kin did, but because they had very little interest in catching girls, Sheol struck out on her own to find women to make love with. Overtime, Sheol’s hunt to sustain her lust turned into a boon for those near the town Axel. Her hunt often brought her to fight various vile and powerful monsters, and thanks to her orcish strength, she defeated these creatures with ease, earning the appreciation of the low-level adventurers she saved. Sheol became to enjoy this fame and adoration she earned, using it as a means to attract the ladies and make a living for herself. Inventory: Nothing right now. Skills: Sheol is a skilled huntress, and despite her usual mannerisms, quite adept at the art of stealth to chase and ambush her prey. She has beastial senses that allow her to detect even subtle movements, and her senses are strong enough to selectively chose what she want to detect, allowing her to hunt down prey with even greater ability. Sheol’s strength is also far greater than most humans, enabling her to perform feats of athleticism and strength that most would require magic to do. Her weapon skills are also decent, as she is skilled in the use of spears, axes, daggers, bows, and even her own hands to wrestle and pummel her enemies. However compared to other warriors, Sheol lacks finesse, relying solely on her strength and instincts to do the fighting for her. Sheol is also naturally durable, with a lot of health to absorb damage on the off chance that a physical attack actually does some damage. While her magic resistance is about as strong as anyone else's (That is to say, next to none), she can still shrug off most pain with a fair amount of ease. Sheol also has access to magic, particularly transmutation magic. It is the art of physically altering others or herself, sometimes known as shapeshifting, though Sheol is capable of doing more with it. Right now she only has two spells: One that turns her body as hard as steel, increasing her durability with additional benefits, and shapeshifting into objects. She can turn herself into things like weapons or even furniture, and always at a masterwork quality. She can additionally turn parts of her body into objects, but they do not last as long as they could if she transformed her entire body. However she cannot turn into complicated mechanical objects such as wagons or clocks. Lastly, Sheol is a skilled smith. At first it was simply arrow making, but overtime she started to learn a wide array of other smithing skills, and can create her own weapons, tools, and other objects. This is her side job when adventuring is slow, and she owns her own forge where she lives at. Other: Sheol currently lives at a forge where she makes and maintains a variety of equipment for locals. She is also a regular at the local Succubus Club, to the point that that she has special membership and discounts for her frequent use.