[hr][hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmU2Y2I4NC5USFZyWVhNZ1NtRmphM052YmcsLC4w/bugghet.regular.png[/img] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/c3ea0928bafc7a12623c46a99532847a/tumblr_inline_n7brujw5ze1r6n7q2.gif[/img] [sup][b]LOCATION — Main Room[/b] [b]INTERACTING WITH — Veronica Bryant [@Fabricant451] & Natasha Parks [@SouffleGirl123][/b] [/sup][/centre][hr][hr] Just like his previous date, the time flew by and it was time for Lukas to meet his new partner. Looking at Veronica one more time, he nodded. [color=wheat][b]"I'm sure I can figure something out."[/b][/color] The dolt in him even decided to [i]wink[/i] at Veronica, before he stood up and excused himself from Veronica's table. [color=wheat][b]"It was a pleasure to meet you, Veronica. I hope we can talk soon."[/b][/color] And soon enough, he was off to find his new date. Wadsworth pointed towards the next table, a lovely looking brunette sitting waiting for him. Lukas approached her with a wide smile, taking in her appearance. She was certainly a cutie, [color=wheat][b]"Miss Parks?"[/b][/color] He said, standing on the other side of the table. Lukas gave her a grin, [color=wheat][b]"My name is Lukas Jackson and I'm here to entertain you for the next fifteen minutes."[/b][/color] Lukas sat down. Let the date begin. [hr][hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4xMzc0NzYuUzNKcGMzUmhJRWhoYkdVLC4wAAAAAAAA/farewell.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i59/blankpagex/holland-roden/tumblr_m7u7l2SlCo1qhzh1go1_500.gif[/img] [sup][b]LOCATION — Main Room[/b] [b]INTERACTING WITH — Christian Emory [@Lady Amalthea] & Dylan Clark [@SouffleGirl123][/b] [/sup][/centre][hr][hr] [color=teal][b]"A goat?"[/b][/color] Krista laughed. That certainly seemed like a fun experience - Krista imagined a goat running rampant in a somewhat rundown hotel with people chasing after it unsuccessfully and she couldn't help but let out a giggle at the funny sight. [color=teal][b]"Strangely enough, that story has just made me hungry."[/b][/color] Poor goat. Krista waved off Christian with a smile, and a polite [i]thank you[/i] before she played with her thumbs. Christian seemed like a free spirit, someone that didn't want to be tied down in one place for long and that was what Krista [i]hopes[/i] to be soon. Looking up as her next date approached, she smiled warmly again. [color=teal][b]"Hi, I'm Krista Hale!"[/b][/color] The past dates went great, and it was obviously impacting her mood. [color=teal][b]"I'm a high school teacher. I teach biology to the students that care - or don't, I still talk [i]at[/i] them anyway whether they like it or not."[/b][/color] She then let out a nervous laugh. She didn't want to make him think that she was a chatterbox when she clearly was not. [b][color=teal]"So, tell me something about yourself?"[/color][/b]