[quote=@Tyler] The powersets of the currently active characters are as follows: [list][*] A form of energy manipulation (primarily manifests as hand extensions and forcefields) [*] Density manipulation, that gives way to intangibility, durability and superstrength [*] An all-round psychic (Precognition, psychometry, clairvoyance, telekinesis... Basically everything except telepathy) [*] Whatever convoluted bullshit Hillan's superspeed-ish power is supposed to be [/list] Looking at the powersets, I would perhaps suggest something explicitly offensive. Whilst all of the characters do have aggressive applications of their abilities, they strike me as primarily being defensive or more practically applied outside of battle. And whilst those are definitely useful, I think our little gang of misfits would struggle in any serious conflict without some real muscle to pack a punch. But that's just my suggestion. My most basic advice would just be to make the character you want to make, and Stein will guide and inform its development from there. I can't wait to see what you pull together. :-) [/quote] Thanks, Bruh. And, I mean, I have about 50 character ideas in my head right now, so I'm pretty flexible. Any limits on origins? I see we have magic, as well as a variation of Wraith's Hyperhuman origin with the CME wave, but aliens? Non-powered? Any character archetypes that anyone would prefer was left out?