[b]Location:[/b] Lyra's room Watching the girl, Stasya frowned. She wasn’t crying anymore, which was good; apparently Stasya’s actions had been enough to convince her that she wasn’t going to hurt her. But the girl was still very agitated, and it was even more surprising when she fell trying to crawl forward. She obviously wasn’t paralysed, she was still able to move her legs. Was she just really weak? Her eyes followed the girl’s hands as she gestured, and Stasya shuffled forward until she was kneeling beside the bed. From what she could tell, something was definitely wrong with the girl’s legs, and… something about her mouth? Stasya looked up briefly as some sort of intercom came on, but again, she didn’t understand what was being said. At the very least, it sounded like the same language this girl was speaking. Sitting back on her heels, Stasya’s frown deepened. The other girl was clearly doing her best to communicate, and it reminded her of when Natali was first learning to speak. [i]Well, maybe it’s not so different? Maybe even easier, she could actually understand things. Just have to keep it simple.[/i] She clapped her hand on her leg, loud enough to grab the girl’s attention. “Nozhka, (Leg,)” she said, intoning slowly and clearly. Holding up her hands, she walked her fingers across her palm. “Khodit’. (Walk)” She gave her a thumbs down. “Nyet? (No?)” [@Airalin]