Sigma flipped the switches deftly as the instructions were indicated through the intercomms, only stopping to clench her teeth slightly before entering to hyperspace. The memories she had inherited told her it wasn't going to be pleasant, so she stiffened and gritted her teeth. "Roger that." She added, while taking the rattling in stride, as she readjusted herself after the jump. For what it seemed a long time she stood speechless, without making any input other than the hard-drilled operational maneuvers and routine checks to keep her framewerk functional. [i]One Down before we engage in actual combat, huh. Well at least it's not the Cruxi killing half of the team outside the jump.[/i] She mused mentally, accessing some of the not-so-flattering memories of Irina. And there it was, teams were made. [i]Elora, Ariin, Katya, stay safe.[/i] She thought to herself, before turning her eyes to her own team. [i]Rooney is in my team, as well as ...Harold.[/i] She shivered. Well, not everyone had to be palatable to work with, this was her duty, not her hobby. And then the voice of Serah Gene blared through the intercom. Sigma gritted her fist and performed a mighty facepalm, before interjecting in a private channel towards the girl. "Hey you, at least pretend the pilot part." She said, the intercomm showing a furrow...which failed to be threatening, as it looked like a ten-year old scowl. "See these people looking miserable? We need to avoid them being killed. From the bad guys. Which are airborne. You know, Cruxi. Bad Guys. Um. Yeah. And well, there's also a giant orb-slash-pilot-blender which we have to watch out for." She paused "Get it? Defend Hobos. Kill Bad guys. Avoid Pilot Blender." Sigma repeated the last sentence, emphasizing each word. She then eyed the flask Iota had smuggled earlier. [i]Goddamnit Iota, now I'm tempted too. Maybe later.[/i]