[center][color=f26522][h2][b]Lucie Valentine[/b][/h2][/color] [h3]Hallway; Auditorium[/h3][/center] Christian's explanation of the crash was alarming. Though he didn't look to be critically wounded, it could very well have ended that way. Or worse. Kidnappers were usually after money or something else they could bargain for. Potentially killing their intended targets wasn't a very effective of getting what they wanted. Was it because they had taken so many teenagers all at once that they hadn't used more careful measures? Either way, the thought made her feel like shards of ice had formed in her stomach. Whoever these people were, they were looking worse with every little bit of new information. [color=f26522]"Oh... I see."[/color] Lucie deflated visibly, seeming not unlike a wilting flower as the answer she had waited with bated breath for turned out to be a resounding 'no'. Christian didn't have a phone either. It had been a slim chance to begin with, that the kidnappers would have left him a way to contact help. Short of running around asking everyone else for a phone, her options had dwindled down to a scant few. Which was why when offered, redhead bit her lower lip and nodded her assent to Christian's plan without much hope. Though it didn't seem likely that the pool would have a way out when the place didn't even have [i]windows,[/i] it was better than anything her panicky mind could come up with just then. The others who had been gathered when she had first stepped out into the hallway had dispersed by then, though she hadn't a clue as to where. It was more than probable that they were searching for a way out as well. The sound of crying had quieted as well, which she found to be a relief. She had enough to worry about without some crybaby invading her thoughts. [color=f26522]"Maybe. It couldn't hurt to look."[/color] Lucie replied with optimism she didn't feel. She began to follow him towards the pool, too caught up in her thoughts to realize that she still hadn't given him her name. Against her will and better judgment, her mind kept flashing to the way that guy had disappeared right in front of her eyes. She'd also heard someone else make a mention about powers. Lucie was a diehard fan of fantastical worlds and amazing abilities; but she kept them where they belonged. In fiction. That sort of thing simply didn't happen in real life... But that guy really had vanished. She'd seen it happen and there was no denying it. Christian had seen it as well, so it wasn't just her or stress or insanity or any other such explanation that could be so easily waved away. A message over the intercom interrupted her train of thought before it could go any further. Lucie stopped and frowned towards nothing in particular. This woman sounded far too polite and well meaning to actually be either of those things. She might have been more inclined to believe the words if she hadn't been apprehended and drugged. Perhaps this was their way of keeping them calm while the ransoms were worked out. [color=f26522]"I don't really believe that. Do you?"[/color] Still, it didn't seem wise to ignore their very friendly and reasonable 'request'. These people hadn't had any qualms in resorting to violent measures to bring them here. It felt safe to assume that they had complete control of the place, if the way they had remotely unlocked the Auditorium doors had been anything to go by. [color=f26522]"I'm going to go and see what they have to say. Maybe there's a way out through the auditorium..."[/color] With that, she started walking in the direction towards the auditorium after she had looked at one of the maps on the wall. Lucie secretly hoped that Christian would come with her. There was something about having someone at her side that made the whole situation marginally less daunting. If she was in hell, at least there was someone in there with here. [@Gonzo]