[hider=Evelyn][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/065f/f/2014/320/0/9/09e6fa7b3fe2b592a8273935cb220ae0-d86nikt.jpg[/img] Evelyn in her younger years. [b]Name[/b] Evelyn [b]Age[/b] 53 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Race[/b] Human [b]Class/Specialization[/b] Tempest Rogue (Archery) [b]Appearance[/b] Evelyn’s hair is graying as she ages, and her skin is showing signs of decades of wear and tear, but she is remarkably fit for her age. At 5’4, her lean build paired with her aging appearance causes her foes to underestimate her, so though she lacks in pure strength, she makes up for with speed and agility unlike many at her age. That said, while Evelyn has worked tirelessly to stay in shape, she is much slower than she was in her youth, and younger, more agile rogues can easily outmaneuver her, forcing her to turn to other methods to stay ahead of the game. [b]Abilities[/b] Leaping Shot You dive out of trouble and fire a hail of arrows at the enemies that were trying to close with you. Explosive Shot You fire a powerful shot that explodes on impact, damaging enemies around your target. Throwing Blades You hurl a group of knives at all nearby targets, ripping through their armor and leaving it sundered. Flask of Fire This flask coats you in flames that spur you to frenzied action. Enemies who attack you are knocked backward. Flask of Lightning This flask sends you into a heightened state of incredible speed. Everyone on the battlefield except you moves much more slowly for a short time. Stealth You step into the shadows, all but invisible to your enemies. Attacking from stealth gives you a damage bonus and brings you back to the enemy's attention. [b]Personality[/b] Evelyn is known as oddly well-intentioned for an assassin and ex-Orlesian bard. She is fiercely loyal to those that she trusts, and particularly in recent years, Evelyn has been known to botch jobs in order to keep her people alive and well. However, those that question if she’s losing her killer instinct often find themselves victim of it, whether it be a result of Evelyn exercising the political influence she still holds in both Ferelden and Orlais or exercising her bow by flinging arrows at people’s faces. But as caring and maternal she can be, Evelyn is also pretty damn grumpy. She gets annoyed at just about everything, and has a bad habit of overreacting. For the most part, her experience and wisdom gained throughout the years helps Evelyn keep herself in check, but she slips up more often than she’d like. Origin She’s definitely from Orlais - the accent tells as much. But Evelyn doesn’t know where she was born, or who her parents were, nor does she really think it matters too much. What does matter is that at around age twelve, some childless Comtesse or whatever snatched her up from a countryside shack Evelyn was hiding in and decided to adopt the poor girl. Not that Evelyn had much of a choice, mind you; it was that or be arrested for breaking into said shack, murdering another homeless squatter that tried to take the shack from her, and hiding the body in a bush down the road. Such was the way of life for a homeless Orlesian orphan. Of course, Evelyn welcomed the change in scenery. Being the adopted daughter of an unmarried, wealthy Comtesse in Orlais had its benefits, after all. Her life turned from roaming, begging, and animalistic survival to wearing the nicest clothes in the land and attending all the fanciest balls and parties. It was everything Evelyn dreamed of and envied as a young girl. It helped that her mother was kind to her, to be sure. The Comtesse provided for Evelyn’s every need and sought to fill the motherly role Evelyn lacked as a child. Within a year, it was said Evelyn was so reformed she could have been the Comtesse’s real child, for all anyone knew. The Grand Game only served to fit Evelyn even more. The Comtesse saw potential in Evelyn - her charm, her looks, and her innate ability to deceive and, if needed, kill all fit the Comtesse’s aspirations. Evelyn accepted her role willingly, all too happy to assist her mother in their attempt to navigate the Orlesian noblility. Evelyn and the Comtesse found moderate success in the Game - enough for Evelyn to turn her eyes towards the horizon for bigger goals by the time she turned seventeen. The next couple years grew to be turbulent between Evelyn and the Comtesse, as Evelyn desired freedom while the Comtesse kept her close. Ultimately, it was an argument Evelyn won, as the then-nineteen year old girl used her own skill and experience with the Game to outplay her own mother and force the Comtesse to allow Evelyn to leave. Over the next two decades, Evelyn wandered Orlais, taking advantage of her talents to do freelance dirty work for anyone that needed it; though she made sure her work never went against her mother in any way. During this time, she had run-ins with mercenary groups, various crime syndicates, and even the Antivan Crows, though that encounter brought her much closer to death than she would like to admit. She would visit home every so often, and help her mother with certain errands here and there, but Evelyn never really settled down in one place. At the age of forty, Evelyn received an offer from the Friends of Red Jenny, who were, at the time, still mostly doing assassin work in Denerim. They wanted her to work strictly for them as they sought to expand their business across Ferelden and even into Orlais. Intrigued by their offer as well as the potential it carried, Evelyn accepted, joining the Friends of Red Jenny as one of the most experienced rogues and assassins in Denerim. Several years later, Evelyn had helped the Red Jennies expand into Val Royeaux and Kirkwall, and she returned to Val Royeaux as the senior member of the Red Jennies in the city. She held her position with the Red Jennies up until the Fifth Blight came and passed, at which point she was notified that the Red Jennies were looking to move away from solely assassination and explore other ways to expand and hold influence within Thedas. Evelyn, seeing that her services were no longer a fit for the group, stepped down and sought her next source of income, bringing her to Kirkwall in search of some tall Qunari with a boat and some coin. [b]Other[/b] She’s either your mother, or she really wants to be your mother. [/hider]