The fact that she agreed to help all of them caused the group to exchange looks of relief. Then she asked the question that they were all wondering. The groups exchanged looks with each other and Hue was the first who chose to speak up. [color=a187be]“None of us really know what to do Miss Jo.” He said before his gazed move to Leon. “We might have some ideas but we’re most likely wrong.” To that Leon broke his gaze away from Jo and looked in another direction. “Bare with us Miss Jo, we are all lost and confused right now.” At that he turned his dark gaze back to Jo and gave her a small smile, “Maybe not as confused as you are right now but still, we are rather lost. We’ll most likely jump to conclusions from time to time or make random and unreasonable guesses but we’re not doing it out of ill-will.”[/color] [color=c4df9b]“We have situations we need to take care of here at the mansion there will be no playing around. Work comes first.” Alexander said in an authoritarian tone looking over at Axel who’s face dropped in disappointment.[/color] [color=0072bc]Axel’s gaze turned to Jo before giving her a gentle smile. “Well I’m Axel, god of Gemini. And she…” Gesturing over his shoulder the God in the corner. “That’s Scorpio, she is the goddess of the Scorpio constellation. Alexander is the head of our department. We are from the Department of Punishments. I know that may sound scary but our job really isn’t. What’s the phrase human’s use for ‘when you do something bad, something bad will happen to you’?”[/color] [color=f7941d]“I think they call it ‘Karma’.” Curt spoke up, his knowledge of the human world seeming to be more vast than the others.[/color] [color=0072bc]Nodding, Axel gave Curt a smile before turning his attention back to Jo. “Yeah, karma. I like to think that what we do really helps humans turn their lives around.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]Scorpio chuckled at his statement but she chose not to speak after Alexander threw her another ‘shut up’ look.[/color] [color=f7941d]“This is Hue, god of Aquarius.” Curt said gesturing to him and then pointed nonchalantly to Leon who had returned to his lounging. “And that is Leon, he is the god of Leo. Also… he’s the director of our department. We work for the Department of Wishes and our job is to grant the wishes of humans that are strong enough or passionate enough to reach us in the heavens. Some wishes aren’t strong enough to reach us but the ones that are we make a priority to grant.”[/color] The pitter patter of little feet soon echoed through the emptiness and stillness after Curt spoke. At this pitter patter, Leon was instantly to his feet, showing the first sign of movement in quite a while as he stared at the entrance into the sitting room. [color=f6989d]A small figure rounded the corner, a [url=]little blonde girl in a white dress[/url] appeared in the doorway. “My lords!” She called out before dashing inwards with excited glee. Her bubbliness filled the room and it seemed to brighten with her mere presence. “Lord Leon!” The little girl made a beeline for the open arms of the smiling Leon.[/color] “Isi!” He said with excitement as he scooped up the girl about the size of a five year old into his arms to give her a big hug. The other gods around them either gave small smiles or big smiles but it was obvious they were generally happy to see the little girl. “Why are you here?” [color=f6989d] “Oh Lord Leon the heavens are not the same without you.” The little girl exclaimed as she hugged him around his neck with glee. “No one else plays with me as much as you do.” Alexander muttered something about Leon’s lack of getting his work done but the young girl ignored him. “News spreads fast to the heavens, the king sent me down to bring you work.” At that she hit the floor with a [i]THUD[/i], Leon dropped her instantly hearing the phrase from her mouth. “Ow… My lord…” She said as she stood up rubbing her butt. “That wasn’t very nice.”[/color] “You brought work…” Leon said sounding exhausted as he fell back into the chair and rubbed his forehead with his hand. “And here I thought I’d get some peace and quiet.” [color=f6989d]The young girl pulled at his other hand. “But work is backing up already Lord Leon, we need you and the other God’s work in order to keep everything in balance…” Her small face turned into a pout as Leon looked back at her. He muttered something that sounded like ‘fine’ and sent the little girl into a giggle of glee. “Oh wonderful I’ll go get the paperwork!” The little girl turned and was about to dash back out of the room before her eyes landed on Jo. “Oh! You must be the human-goddess!” She skipped to Jo before taking her single hand in her small little ones. “I am Isabelle. I’m the messenger for the gods. What’s your name?” [/color]