Name: Tiana Rosé Age: 16 Power: Weather Manipulation Appearance: [img][/img] Bio: Tiana has known of her power since she was 7. Her parents knew too, and because it never seemed to be an issue, they just kept it quiet and told her to never use it. It was too much to have an abnormal daughter, it was bad for her father’s business and her mother’s reputation. All was well, until she turned 12 and her ability got out of hand. Tiana’s parents couldn’t have it, and sent her to her grandmother’s. She’s always been the quiet type, shy, introverted, never many friends. Tiana loved being outside, no matter what the weather. She did well in school, studied hard. Years passed, and her grandmother got sick. Really sick. Her grandmother spent her last week in hospital, Tiana had to return to her parents. As soon as her grandmother’s funeral had taken place, Tiana’s parents soon started the search for an orphanage, because they just couldn’t have a daughter with powers.