[color=a2d39c]''so you have no name''[/color] Sabriye said exhaling her deep breath. She found herself being dissapointed, she looked forward to learning this beast's name. But from the sound of it he did not seem to care about a name, surly it was irreleavnt to him. A name was bestowed by your parents as by tradition. Somehow she felt a bit like him, for her real parents had also left her without a name. Her name now was granted by the lady of Solar, her mother. [color=82ca9d]''it will be difficult for me to adress you if you do not have a name, Sir..''[/color] Sabriye thought out loud as she closed her eye's [color=a2d39c]''may I call you Heru?, in the Solar Woods it means lord''[/color] She exclaimed happely clapping her hands together. She hoped she had not offended him by offering such a thing. It was more of a title than a name, so she hoped he'd accept. [color=a2d39c]'' so, where is it that you are going Sir?, you were going after a shadow am I right? Do you know where to find it? are there others that will join your cause?'' [/color] Sabriye rambles on and one, curious about the destination of his journey. There were so many new things for her to discover. The outsideworld had never sounded so exciting and different than she was thougt.