Rocky looked down at the small jar clenched in his hand silently for a moment, as if there was some sort of wisdom to be found within the murky looking paste. "Jeheh-kay?" He rumbled experimentally in his attempt to pronounce the dish's name. The idea of eating fermented fish guts and bottom feeders didn't faze him in the slightest, like all his people he was a firm believer in the idea that unless it was toxic, all meat was good meat if prepared right. The Skälen looked to the diminutive scientist and nodded enthusiastically to make up for his inability to smile, "[b]I'll keep that in mind![/b]". There was a small moment of silence that hung in the air, one that was once more shattered as a thought crossed Rocky's mind and prompted him to speak once more, "[b]Hey, you're a scientist, right? You going on that planetside trip too?[/b]".