[quote=@Invader Len] Players who don't respect the Private in Private Message. On that note, if I send a player a PM, and then another player responds from their account, what the heck am I supposed to think of that? I think that's shady! Like, you're one person, don't play me with two accounts, and if you're two people in a room together, stick to your own freaking accounts! I don't want to have to talk to you through another player! What is this, the third grade? If I'm your GM, and I send you a message, I expect you to reply to it, not your buddy Timmy or Randy or Lucy! [/quote] [quote=@Chaotic Chao] I feel like this is a great time to let off some team. This may not be a good reason to bitch about, but still. It kinda hurts my feelings. When you put a lot of dedication into your roleplay. Have many ideas for it, and try to be as active as possible. And do what you can to keep it going. But then someone goes missing without even telling you! It's so freaking annoying, to go to a roleplay, express interest, and then have the nerve to slip out without telling anyone. Makes me really, really angry. And then when they are in a roleplay similiar, and they use THE SAME CHARACTER SHEET THEY MADE FOR YOUR ROLEPLAY. Tell me how you guys would feel about this. I may be in the wrong. But it's kinda just hurts my feelings. [/quote] [url=http://poo189.tumblr.com/post/146019243917]My thoughts on these matters.[/url] Seriously, that's unfair for y'all.