The excited whispers of fellow students, the air heavy with knowledge, baited breath warmed by the grand creatures that shook the ground with each step. Their claws dancing across the stone, glistening in ebony and ivory. They were beasts that Ariana gazed upon with unspoken words as the sun was blocked by vibrant colors of leathery wings. Sheer awe, silver eyes transfixed at this land that played before her, like a song that shall never be quelled. It almost seemed like a disgrace, as though she were disrespecting these legends by not standing here on her own two feet. Still, she carried her head as high as those around her, trying not to be shaken by the seer power that have lived her years by a thousand fold. Her bags hanging behind her, weighing heavily on the bars that groaned in protest, the wheels of her chair sounding like the snapping of wire on a trash cane in comparison to the mighty heart beat that thumped against her ears. [i]"Stead fast child"[/i] The words were like the raspy sound of creaking rusted iron. Brushing against her mind in a gentle wave that held no threat, yet demanded respect, that would not tolerate anything less. The raw power underneath such a voice caused Ariana's very soul to try and crack. "Y-yes?" [i]"I have sent for you long ago, what took you? I thought humans were in need of all the time they could gather."[/i] The red head turned her gaze. Breath caught in her throat to finally be looking in the golden gaze of a beast that had seen generations rise and fall. Horns that were wider then herself, with scales of glistening ebony and patches of bronze, he reminded her of a warrior that the gods themselves would knight. Glistening jewels were his scales, they were dull, yet somehow shown so brilliantly that diamonds would forever be rocks in Ariana's mind. " see I was faced with some stairs, I, I couldn't find my way around them for a while..." [i]"I heard enough excuses child. You will learn this place, and you will learn it fast. Do not allow yourself to be left in your peer's wake. Now, follow."[/i] With his half growled words that held her mind captive. The lore began to move. His steps holding power unimaginable, yet with each click of the massive claws, not even the water that resided in one's cup would be stirred. Ariana, having no choice but to follow, stayed close behind, the waving of his tail reminding her of a grandfather clock the way it ticked back and forth with the end being decorated in talons. Taking her through the halls, down ramps and past the judging gazes of her fellow students. Ariana was finally led to a room of white and blue tile. The color almost blinding her, Ariana looked up at her guide only for him to look irritated at her hesitation. [i]"Go"[/i] Quickly she nodded, read mane floating about her form before grabbing her wheels and making her way in. "Thank you.." But she gained no response, he was already leaving. Odd, he reminded her of a stubborn old book that refused to open because the pages fused together. Looking around, the red head took a sigh. There were others here, others her own age. "Its quite nice to see humans. So? Anyone want to tell me if I'm dreaming or not?" Rolling her chair, she moved it to a corner, silver eyes looking at each and every one that came and went. Trying to remember their faces, the way the breathed and moved. Even the birds that the blond had carefully looked after for a moment. "Name's Ariana"