[center][color=8493ca][h2]Brunhilde[/h2][/color][/center] [center][color=fff79a]"Hmmm.... Sunning? No that wasn't it... Uuuuhh..."[/color][/center] Brunhilde's mind was still set on the copies, so she made one last, very important point before she forgot completely. She didn't really care if it made her sound paranoid - she'd been doing this long enough to know on some level that it'd be absolutely catastrophic if she lost every single piece of information she had. [center][color=8493ca]"If anything bad happens to the diary - burning, falling in a river, being destroyed some other way, anything - then give these back to me. I'd like to at least make sure that I know where I am, what I'm doing, and who I can trust if that happens."[/color][/center] Emi was a little bit distracted at that moment, though. She was looking out the window for inspiration, and was surprised by something-or-other, which worried Brunhilde a little bit. Not much, though. Emi seemed to be the sort to be surprised by pretty much anything unexpected at all. [center][color=fff79a]"Hehehe, I suppose we should hurry to the lesson. I kinda didn't pay attention to the time."[/color][/center] Brunhilde went ever-so-slightly red for a few moments. Emi was obviously a tiiiiny bit stressed when she checked the time, so that meant they were late. Being late was rather embarrassing, even if she [i]did[/i] have an excuse - and a rather good one, at that. It wasn't a terribly far walk, thankfully. Still, more important things to worry about at that second - like the copies she was handing over. She very lightly prodded Emi with the papers in offering. [center][color=8493ca]"...Yeah. Let's get going."[/color][/center] She took Emi's hand obediently, then not-so-obediently dragged Emi along behind her on the way to where she instinctively knew the lesson was. She felt she'd walked that path at some point, so she didn't really question where her feet were taking her, and Emi would probably correct her if she took a wrong turn. A couple minutes of walking across campus brought them back to the courtyard, where Avarius and Vallen were waiting, and she had no recollection of having been late in the first place, or even what they had been learning in class. They were five minutes late. [@liferusher][@Dark Light]