[center][h2][color=fff79a]Emi[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5P8mwoE.png[/img][/center] When Brunhilde handed her the copies she made sure to put them into her duffel bag and gave an understanding nod at the girl. It looked like the girl was pretty damn sure about this, well it was to be expected. What would Emi do if she suddenly lost all her knowledge of her past. She would freak out too. Still losing an entire book out of nowhere was not something that would happen just like that. The library had been here for some time too and they contained even older books that survived wind and the likes. Brunhilde didn't take Emi her information that wel. Or so to say she didn't like what Emi said at all. Clearly she wasn't the one to be late at all even though she memmory loss. Emi awkwardly laughed while hastingly taking off with Brunhilde behind her. Even though Emi was gonna lead the girl didn't seem to take her that serious. Brunhilde was walking in front of her most of the time more dragging Emi with her then elsewise. She clearly forgot the part that she had memory loss, it must have been like 3 times that she tried to walk a different way and Emi had to correct her off course. [center][color=fff79a]"Not that way silly."[/color][/center] Luckily for them it was close by the library so it didn't take long for them to get there. On arrival she noted that there was a person close by that she knew. Well let's say the only student she had met apart from brunhilde. She drastically stopped her pace and let go off brunhilde while she slowed down to a stop before him. [center][color=fff79a]"Hello friend hehe. If I can call you that at least. Are you perhaps lost? This doesn't really seem like the place for you to be I think."[/color][/center] She gave a kind smile towards him and made sure Brunhilde wasn't running elsewhere. A worried look struck her face when she saw the two teachers behind Luke though. She quietly stepped behind Luke but it was clear she was there by her hair puffing out from his sides just slightly. Still it was better than being scolded at for now.