Jack knew, she was right. He didn't give a damn about justice, about saving peoples' lives. He didn't care, he couldn't care, he didn't have the mental capacity. He was completely numb to it all. For some reason there was an ache in his chest that he had never felt before. At least not for a long time. He had made some sort of connection to this girl, at least he had felt he had, and now she was gone, out of his life forever. All she wanted to do was rip him to pieces. Jack closed his eyes tight and his brows knitted together. "Lex..." When he finally opened his eyes, nothing had changed, only a minute had passed but it seemed like a decade . Slowly, very slowly he headed back to where he lived. [i]No.[/i] His thoughts screamed at him in the mental whirlwind they were in. [i]No. No. NO!![/i] "Justice? What the hell do you know about Justice...?" The young man hung his head once more as he walked. His eyes narrowed, his glare looking sinister in the shadows cast on his face. "Hmph, this isn't right. I'll show her. I'll show them all." Jack kept his last spare bag of Black Jack's clothes above the bar where no one would find it. He spent quite a bit of time there and it only made sense. With an angry expression, Jack climbed up the side of the building with ease while muttering bitter curses. It took a few minutes but at last he had changed into Black Jack and was ready to wreak some havoc. "FUCK HER. I DON'T NEED HER, I DON'T NEED ANY ONE." Deep down the loneliness was biting at him, but he ignored it. There was one place he knew Kenji would be hiding. The place he knew if he beat the shit out of the guy just enough, he would get the location of Shirley. Hell, he could even show up if Black Jack was lucky enough. Black Jack lept down from the building and did a dorky pose with his hands on his hips looking up a bit. Kinda like Superman. "Now, for some [i]justice[/i]." A grinned formed beneath his mask and he threw his head back to laugh maniacally. "Honey, I'm home. AND I BROUGHT SOME JUSTICE." He joked to himself in the alley way. If Trick was going to kill him, she would have to try [i]pretty[/i] hard, he wasn't scared at all. Black Jack used the money he had brought for Luca and took the nearest bus to the bus stop that would leave him at least a mile from his destination. Of course, it was safer that way, if someone called the cops they would have no idea where he went. It didn't matter to him how ever far it was he would get there in no time by roof jumping. "Weeee!" He exclaimed as he lept like an elegant gazelle across the gaps of the rooftops. There was an annoying thought in the back of his head the whole time however, he kept thinking about Lexa and how she had confided in him about her nightmares. Ugh, he couldn't let it bother him now, there was a bitch to interrogate and kill. Once he arrived at where he needed to be he was all but subtle. Black Jack kicked the door to the cliche warehouse down and laughed. "Darling Kenji, I have come for you, my love!!" All of the gangsters in the place looked toward him, grabbed there assault rifles and began shooting blindly at him. Black Jack used the same wall trick from before to block the bullets. In an instant he was only top of the wall and leaping down to tackle one of the men with scimitar in hand. Easily he slit the man's throat, lept up and lunged toward another man. This man got his head chopped off and another the same fate. All the while they were shooting at him, a few bullets actually hit him but he hardly noticed them. "WHERE'S KENJI, OR SHIRLEY. I'LL TAKE EITHER ONE." None had time to reply he was too busy slicing there heads off, gracefully spinning and flipping in the air to do so. At last they were all dead and a man came down from above with his katana over his head. Black Jack stood, looking up unamused and blocked with one scimitar. "Excuse me, Kenji, but it's not polite to try to kill some one on only the third date." He pushed the blade away and spin attacked the man. Kenji was caught off guard and was pushed back. Black Jack tackled the man just like before, but this time he pinned him with a knife through his shoulder. "NOW. You're going to tell me where Shirley is. Or I'm going to hack your head off like all the others." "I do not fear death. You will never find Mister Shirley." "Sorry Kenji, but it seems the boy, has found me." Another man walked into the warehouse wearing a suit, he adjusted one of his cuff links as he spoke, like a James Bond wannabe. "No matter, I have already called the authorities and they should be here shortly to escort our friend here back to the Institution. "M-Mister Shirley, you were supposed to escape!!" Kenji stuttered. Black Jack's eyes widened beneath his mask. It had been a year since he had seen Shirley and at last he had found him again. "You bastard. I will [i]never[/i] go back there." He got up off of Kenji and stood to face Shirley. "YOU MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD." "Oh, Jack. Did you miss me so much that you had to kill all my men to find me?" Shirley patronized the youngster with a tone so condescending it cut like a knife through Jack's soul and filled him with rage. Before Black Jack could reply there were sirens sounding outside and a voice over through a loud speaker. "This is the police. Give yourself up now and we won't harm you." "Harm me..." Black Jack was filled with rage. "Okay Mister enter female name here. I'm going to give you one chance to give yourself up. One chance. If you don't comply, oooh I'll fucking show you what will ensue." Shirley opened his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by the shout of pain that came from Jack as his combat knife was stabbed deep into his back, all the way to the handle. "SONOFABITCH AGAIN???" Black Jack shouted. This hurt far worse than when Kenji had stabbed him before. "Oooo" Black Jack gritted his teeth. "This is nothing. You think this little bit of pain even compares to what Shirley did to me?" His eye twitched beneath his mask and he turned rapidly to slit Kenji's throat with his scimitar. "GOOD NIGHT BASTARD." "THIS IS THE POLICE, WE WILL GIVE YOU ONE MORE CHANCE TO COME OUT PEACEFULLY." "What are you going to do, Jack?" "Oh." Jack turned to face Shirley once more. "It's on."